Role-Play with Mythic Scribes

During my teenage years I discovered the thrill of role-playing.  My friends and I became enamored with White Wolf’s World of Darkness games, along with Middle-Earth Role Playing and Dungeons and Dragons.  These games opened new worlds to us, and  provided us with opportunities to explore the darker side of human nature. As an aspiring … Read more

Why Am I Still Writing?

This article is by Craig Robertson. If I write something and not many people read it, am I wasting my time?  This is an important question and I think most creators ask it, be they authors, musicians, dancers, or painters. I write speculative fiction – time travel, mythic figures, spoofs on genres – that type … Read more

5 Keys to Writing Craptastic Fantasy

So you want to write a really bad fantasy novel, eh? You’ve come to the right place. After years of practice, I’ve mastered five ancient techniques for writing shitty fantasy. These methods were pioneered by the elves of the Ethereal Empire during the reign of Xerxian Rhafstorr the Sword-Breaker (in the Twelfth Age), so you … Read more