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Stuart John Evison
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  • Sorry folks, in case any one noticed I've been offline because of a crashed and burnt PC and I've missed being able to interact. My publisher has given me the use of a machine in the office so intermittently I'm back. When my computer whizz of an eldest son gets around to visiting I'll be back more frequently.
    Thanks for the friend request and the visitor message, but I'm not sure what the latter meant.
    hi thanks for hooking up my facebook is Gavin Tonks and my book page is fate of Aquarius if you wish to look as well
    "Muddle Puddle and the Whistling Shell" is self illustrated and the only image I've been able to post is this profile image, its the cover artwork.
    Black Dragon has also informed me because my prose is illuminated I will have difficulty sharing it, tell me about it. Consequently if anyone reads this please go to:
    Stuart John Evison (AKA Stuart of Ely) on facebook, there the first chapter and most of the illustrations can be viewed. "Likes" appreciated.
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