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Recent content by The StoryWeaver

  1. The StoryWeaver

    Anyone joining this year?

    I'm doing it this year again, but I'll also be editing a book for a client. Some years my NaNo goal has just been to write every day ... this year I was going to aim for the 50 000+ (until the gig came along). So now it's at least write every day and try to clear 50 000+.
  2. The StoryWeaver

    What Are You Playing Now?

    Been playing a bit of PoGo and Plants VS Zombies ... now I'm looking at Among Us.
  3. The StoryWeaver

    What do you listen to?

    Currently on a Queen kick again.
  4. The StoryWeaver

    Is there a way to delete my account?

    Welcome back :)
  5. The Dark Muse - Journal

    By the throat ...

    I'm in a bad state, and it's interfering with my writing, and other creative puruits. Did you ever feel like cutting out the broken bits of your brain and see what can be stitched back afterwards? It's gotta be less hellish than what I am experiencing now. Each time I sink this low I find...
  6. Impromptu photoshoot

    Impromptu photoshoot

    What was meant to be a short video turned into an impromptu photoshoot ... Photo and make-up by my daughter.
  7. The Dark Muse - Journal

    Goals, plans, whatnot

    So far a lot of what I've had planned for 2020 has gone to hell in a handbasket, yet strangely I'm still achieving some of my goals. I've spent a lot of time trudging through my files, in an attempt to get organised. And I haven't even looked at the paper files ... well at least not for long. My...
  8. The StoryWeaver

    Anyone joining this year?

    I decided to do #campnanowrimo again this year - going to use the time to get one of my comic scripts into shape. I've also got an editing gig this month so I'm not sure how much time I'll spend on the script - but anythings better than it sitting there in the draft files.
  9. The Dark Muse - Journal

    Drowning not waving ...

    Long before I found this wonderful community I found myself stumbling on my path to recovery - but it took a long time for me to identify the stumbling block. Even after I identified the stumbling block I still kept back sliding and losing my way - even though it didn't appear that way to others...
  10. The StoryWeaver

    How do I make the chat go away?

    Thanks for asking :) It's good to know this :)
  11. The StoryWeaver

    Greetings from the Sundered Spheres

    welcome :) it's a great place to hang out :) and i'm sure you have a lot to share :)
  12. The StoryWeaver


    All the best with it :)
  13. The StoryWeaver

    What do you listen to?

    Tonight this one is stuck in my head (again).
  14. The Dark Muse - Journal

    Woah, back-up there ... please.

    3 months after it crashed I have my PC back - with all files intact. I'm a prolific creator (and not just with writing) plus I'd been slack with backing up my work, so there was a lot of material that I could have lost. Now I'm merging the files from the laptop that I've been using, with the...
  15. The StoryWeaver

    What order do you write your stories in?

    I jump around ... it took me way too long to realise that this is a valid way to write and so I fought it for years; feeling as if I wasn't a real writer. Once I accepted that this is how I write I was able to make far more progress and finish more work.