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Call out to HMS Pinafore

Ok guys, so earlier I was writing a scene about a politician that was reflecting on his current position in life. He's part of a worthless committee whereas the legislators elected his same year are getting prestigious appointments. The reason is because he is a malcontent and refused to vote for a bill that the legislative leadership wanted but that the public didn't. He followed the public and was punished for it.

While reflecting on this he concludes that the reason is because the other legislators "never thought of thinking for themselves at all." This is a call back to "When I was a lad" from Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore. The setting is not earth and this is line occurs in narration not a direct thought nor a direct quote.

Would such a line pull you out of the story or would you gloss over it without a second thought?


Myth Weaver
"When I was a lad" from Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore.

Is 'HMS Pinafore' mentioned in the novel? If not, no problem. Otherwise, possibly indicative of somebody very well educated, the kind of person who'd score high on a historical trivia test.


I might just possibly connect the two (I have a lot of G&S lyrics imprinted on my brain), but it would be an 'echo', if you will. Just a word grouping that triggers some linkage in my brain. But the words themselves are so generic that I wouldn't take it as an intentional quote. It would just make me smile at the very appropriate word usage. I wouldn't worry about it.
Is 'HMS Pinafore' mentioned in the novel? If not, no problem. Otherwise, possibly indicative of somebody very well educated, the kind of person who'd score high on a historical trivia test.

No they're never mentioned once. This is set in a different universe from ours.


I'm guessing 98% of people wouldn't even notice. On the offhand chance that someone who is both a G&S fan and has the lyrics to that particular song memorized should notice it I think it's likely they'll think "cool! A reference to one of my favorite things! I like this author."