After Damien’s and Evelyn’s departure many months ago, Lady Rumla took charge of the city in which was in dire need of help. Gathering her animal friends, nymphs, brownies, kabolds, and house elves, the panther directs order to rebuild and bring the city’s silent state back to life. Slowly and...
Once dressed out of his swimwear, Damien gathers a few items into his backpack, grabs his allowance from his piggybank and calls a cab to pick him, Evelyn and Ming up from his home. As they waite on the swing bench on the front porch, Evelyn eats a little snack.
“What you got there?” Damien...
Days and days have gone by, as the city of Torman has no king sitting upon it's throne. Dorlius the king's advisor and the grand wizard of old, has taken place as Stewart until King Aldimus returns. The days went by as they always suspected. Calm and no threat to the city, as the people labored...