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  1. Orc Knight

    Temples, Prayers and Piety

    And your characters choice of deity. Kind of something I've been thinking on, mainly because as of late I've been writing characters who tend to be fairly religious. So this is kind of a very broad thing in general. As my main character currently is perhaps not excessively religious, but she's...
  2. nuh-the-deva


    If you were creating a pantheon of gods, what two or three aspects/gods do you think should DEFINITELY make the cut? You could think of it as... who are your oldest gods/aspects? I know some real and fictional cultures have dichotomies like life/death, fire/water, light/dark, air/earth/sea...
  3. Trailofstardust

    Story inspired by "the book of Esther"

    I've got the idea for a story loosely by "the book of Esther" from the Hebrew bible; they share some similar story beats and parallels, but it's meant to be my own story. The story takes place in 16-or 17th century Sweden and follows a huldra who has been captured and enslaved by a landed...
  4. BearBear

    Religions in your writing?

    I saw the recent post on zorastrians and it got me thinking about the roll of religion in fiction and its relevance today. In my writings, they're living in an alternate reality Earth, and religion was quickly pushed out in favor of science and especially genetic manipulation. When man can make...
  5. W

    Godsend: A Mythic Fantasy Setting

    Below is the core premise and pitch of a mythic fantasy tabletop roleplaying setting I’m developing which I'd like some general feedback on. The basis is Indo-European mythology with particular emphasis on Greco-Roman and Hindu influences. A group of gods known collectively as the Pantheon are...
  6. osimur_wil

    Worshipping a dead god

    Hello. It's been a long, long time since I posted here. But I have returned, older and (supposedly) wiser. But we can catch up later, for now I posit a question. What does a religion look like when you worship a dead god? I'm not talking about a god that's fallen out of mainstream favor, like...
  7. Ž.J.

    Religion in a fantasy setting.

    Greetings to all you good folks! I took a long break from this forum, but yet i am back and i want to ask thee several question about religion in worldbuilding (medieval fantasy setting). In my own setting i struggle a bit with inventing a properly functioning religion for one of my...
  8. D

    Goddess for arthurian legends based fantasy world?

    Been planning a novel and I decided to base it on Arthurian legends which is fine there is enough content and different ways to tell the legend that can I do quite a lot with it. Problem is I need some Goddesses for my story, but after looking I couldn't really find any related to Arthurian...
  9. Notes on Vosha (my W.I.P.)

    Historian's Dream

    Blood and pus oozed from Tomas’ fingertips as he read The Elemental Contracts by Franz Luminous; a book he has read frequently since his childhood. “There’s a balance between sacrifice and reward when contracting the elements. But how is my sacrifice measured? And is it mutually beneficial for...
  10. Onemaus

    Creating a religious system/order

    Hey everyone, thank y'all for taking the time to read this. It means a lot. I've started getting into the church infiltration scene of my W.I.P. and have come across five characters that, at this point in the story, are very unique. They are: three Fathers and Mothers, specifically the Earth...
  11. Ž.J.

    Religion in a Medieval Fantasy world

    Hey guys! In some time now I have been trying to think of a unique religion or belive system for my fantasy world. It's a medieval "soft" high fantasy" setting, where magic is almost non existant. I have a few ideas, though most of them are quite cliché. I wonder what interesting opinions you...
  12. G

    Religion ideas

    My world has 5 gods that walk the earth. They choose to appear as humans or elves or one of the other many races one the world. My gods are Kyva the goddess of organization. Some of her ideals are she believes that through organization there is peace. She believes that most aren’t capable of...
  13. E

    How witches summon daemon familiars

    I watched a series called "Game of Thrones" in which a priestess called The Red Woman conceives a shadow demon and uses it to kill the enemies of the king she served. It seemed like an interesting concept, so I tried to include it into my world. This setting takes place in an alternate version...