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19. Trudi Canavan Discussion

Philip Overby

Article Team
Number 19 is Trudi Canavan. Can't say I know anything about her, but it seems her Black Magician Trilogy is popular. I think I downloaded a sample of one of her books, but I can't remember which one off-hand. Anyone have experience reading her work?



I've read the Black Magician-trilogy books. They're not bad but it's nothing oustanding either. The plot can be summoned up as "young girl discovers magic she shouldn't have, is bullied while trying to learn about it and has to save the world against the will of her peers."
I'm one of those people who really like this approach which is why I've read the series in the first place but it could be done much better. Her world-building is rather shallow and simplistic and most characters apart from the protagonists lack depth. I can't remember either her fellow students names nor any important character traits whle I have no trouble keeping track of everyone in say, Harry Potter. (Which most of you don't consider the height of literature either, I know. ;))
The magic system isn't great either. There's so-called "black magic" which is taken from other people's life force and makes its users so incredibly more powerful it is obvious they need it to fend off an enemy invasion and go against the rules they've followed before. Besides giving more power, it doesn't do anything though.
So, it doesn't really contain anything outragous but I can't really recommend it either.
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Article Team
Amanita pretty much sums it up. The books aren't bad, but they didn't make a lasting impression on me.

For a similar theme I'd much rather recommend the Magister trilogy by Celia Friedman.


The later books get better, a bit more a plot and some interesting ideas explored.

I think have read everything she has written and while it is not tolkien it is certainly readable


I wrote a review of the first book, and found the opening half long and repetitive, like some editor told her it needed to be longer, and she decided on repeating the same events over and over and over again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Because of that, I haven't even looked at the rest of the books in the trilogy.


Myth Weaver
Back before I discovered the wealth of material available from indie authors (or perhaps before such was even available), I read this series. Though Amanita's post triggered dim recollections, the series was utterly forgettable. I definitely wouldn't rank Canavan high on a list of fantasy authors.


One thing Trudi does, however, is dispel the notion that anyone that gets signed by one of the Big Name Publishers (she's with Hachette) has to be an outstanding author.


Well I maintain they are not a 'bad' read, but the second series that follows on from the story is certainly better than the first.


Well I maintain they are not a 'bad' read, but the second series that follows on from the story is certainly better than the first.

I'm a proponent of the "first book of a trilogy has to really grab the reader" school of thought. The Magician's Guild just didn't grab me. :(