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a fragmentary serial dream


Myth Weaver
Past time I recorded this sequence, what I can remember of it anyhow. At interval's I'll 'fill in the gaps' just a little. Might be a story in here somewhere...

First, in these dreams I am not 'me' - the overweight 50's something carrier of parcels in the now frozen realm of Alaska. Instead, I'm much younger and in far better physical shape. As to profession...I'm not sure. 'Cop' isn't right. 'Investigator' might be closer, as I seem to be asking questions and carefully inspecting...locations. Maybe 'Agent.' I'm not alone in this, there are people above me and people I work with.

First part of the first dream is mostly a wash, save for two brief impressions: turning right on a four way crossroads set in a patchy, ragged forest that seems a bit on the arid side - lots of reddish dirt visible through the foliage. The roads themselves are narrow and unpaved. I am driving a truck or maybe an SUV type vehicle (impression unclear) with my partner or associate or friend sitting beside me. Like myself he's younger, well muscled, and in good physical shape. We are concerned about an 'oddity.'

Second part of the first dream, my partner and I are moving through the cluttered kitchen and living area of an ordinary rural house. The place is messy, with part of the disarray apparently coming from some sort of DIY project - tools, odd bits of wood and metal, that sort of thing. That snippet ends with a split second glimpse of a moving bipedal shape, about child sized, through a window, which sets off internal alarm bells.

The first dreams middle portion, alas, is more echo than ought else: 'snapshots and sound bites' between myself and a number of others, including a stern faced middle aged guy with a military bearing who appears to be my superior. From what little I can remember, the context is more reports of 'oddities' along with 'changes.' There is also growing concern about 'contamination' in the dangerous medical sense.

The first dreams last sequences stick in my mind the most. First, there is a repeat of the rural crossroads scene, except this time my partner and I take the left fork. We enter another rural dwelling to find ourselves confronted with the dead body of a plump elderly man amidst the wreckage of a furious battle. Something vaguely serpentine attacks us. Somehow we prevail, but are badly shaken. Which leads me to the final scene.

I'm tempted to call the room a 'lab,' and in a sense it is that: there is a bench with a microscope and testing kits and various electronics to the one side. But it is also something of a repository for curios; there are pedestals and tables with odd objects upon them: sculptures, machines, and other objects. Dark paneling along the visible walls. More of a 'study' or 'museum.' Taking up a line down the middle of this space, supported on pedestals, is the thing my partner and I confronted: it looks like the undulating skeleton of a sea serpent, with a spine nearly a foot thick, and an oversized human-like skull at the one end. Thick 'ribs' protrude from this 'spine' in places. Except, it's not a skeleton, it's the beast itself. The 'ribs' might be more accurately described as 'appendages.'

Looking this fantastical corpse over is a plump, bearded older gent in a lab coat, who is...connected...with whatever group I work for.. To me, he's way to close to the thing, and a conversation ensues between the three of us (including my partner) about the risk of contamination, which seems very high. In the course of this conversation it gets very clear he knows far more about the 'oddities' and 'changes' than I do, and he seems...put out...that we don't know certain things. Finally, he says 'there is somebody you need to meet.'

Lab guy opens a door. Speaks to somebody on the other side. Motions. A very short woman in a colorful print dress enters. Except, after about three seconds, it becomes apparent she is not human, but rather a realistically done rag doll. She starts to speak....and that is the end of the first dream.

The Second Dream: I can't say with certainty that this is a continuation of the first dream. Ultimately, I decided it was, but that is almost an arbitrary decision on my part. Unfortunately, if any anything, it is even more fragmented than the first dream. Still...

My impressions from the first part of the second dream is one of searching. My partner and I are upset, yet determined. We get frustrated with non-answers from our older co-workers and other people. At one point we enter into a black (stone) house (?) set in a desert. I don't remember what transpired there, apart from being angry and afraid. Back at work, well...shouting matches and threats are the order of the day mostly coming from the hard faced military guy. Stymied, yet determined, my partner and I elect to leave.

What follows is a thrilling chase sequence across a barren wasteland. At one point we literally drive out vehicle down an almost sheer cliff. At some point my partner vanishes.

Eventually, I reach a large framework made of iron girders anchored to a cliff top. From here, a trio of parallel metal cables or pipes nearly a foot thick make a drooping arch to the first of a series of supporting pylons above a featureless desert. I race to the end of the framework, lugging a large suitcase, then traverse one of the drooping pipes to the first pylon. There, I sit and open the case revealing a second case within, this one holding a 'hardened computer.' My impression is that between them, these two cases could stop a large caliber bullet at short range. I'm waiting for something to arrive, maybe something traveling on those pipes.

Shouts from behind me draw my attention back to the cliff. The military guy is there - in uniform no less - demanding my return to face charges. I note he's holding a small control unit of some sort - the 'override.' Frantic, I tap out a sequence on the hardened computer. That (apparently) saves the software, but a chrome sphere appears between the two cases, and a metallic 'thumb' sprouts from the keyboard, covering several keys.

A shouted conversation takes place between the military guy and myself. I seem rather idealistic, talking about 'truth' and a 'world built on lies.' The military guy doesn't contradict me; his response is 'the truth is death and madness,' and the 'lies kept things together. I told him that wasn't working to well anymore. Then I produced a pistol and shot the chrome ball, which sort of crumpled (waking me wonders about this - special ammo?) Anyhow, with the chrome ball gone, the metal thumb comes apart.

Military guy produces a pistol. At the same moment, another figure appears, also an army guy, older but insubstantial, wearing the uniform but with long hair. A hologram. At first, I think the living military guy is going to shoot me - but the range is quite long for a pistol. Instead, he aims it at his head. 'I don't want to live in the world that comes.'

Hologram guy starts talking about old days and tough choices.

A sound alerts me to something arriving. End of Second Dream.