Myth Weaver
I will disagree with this, Brian. This morning (my time) I wrote some comments in Novels & Stories about Raymond E Feist. He is most decidedly a professional fantasy author. Still there is a noticeable difference between his first twelve books and the rest. To me it was as if the fun had gone out of it for him. Perhaps I'm totally wrong, but I feel he stopped writing what he liked and began writing what paid the bills. Anyhow, for me it wasn't Feist anymore.
I believe that if you don't write with your heart, you lose quality. A novel is not a manual, it's a part of yourself.
In the beginning of a career, you seek to become the best you can. If you're lucky, you achieve a level of success. At some point, you come to a realization that, no matter what you write, people will buy it just because it has your name on it. The temptation is to then just put out random crap.
I understand the temptation and hope I never succumb to it. (though I hope I get to the point where it is, in fact, a realistic temptation )
That seems to be what you're describing, though. To me, that has nothing to do with heart and everything about becoming complacent. That is not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about using the market to determine your next option.
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