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Afternoon All! *Nods*

I've toyed with writing a fantasy novel for probably the last twenty years or so but struggle with procrastination and self-doubt. It's not that I'm a perfectionist by any means but I tend to get part-way through a writing project and then scrap it because I decide I'm not happy with what I've written (case in point; this is the third time I've scrapped my introduction post in favour of starting it again).

I'm here because I want to integrate myself as much as possible with an active community of writers that have interests similar to my own. I'd like the opportunity to share my writing with you, read and engage with your own work, and hopefully make a few friends along the way that understand the ups and downs associated with the writing of a novel.

I suppose I should give a little more detail about myself too. I'm 31 years old and live in the UK with my wife and three cats. In my professional life, I am a history instructor at a school for children with high behavioural needs, currently finishing off my degree to qualify as a real teacher. In my personal life, I am a self-professed geek and board-gamer.

I'm pretty outgoing and look forward to meeting you all so please, if you spot me about in the forums or in chat, don't hesitate to say hello.


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met Simon Chittenden
Good to have you here
This is certainly a lively community with lots of help, information, and distractions.
Good luck with the degree!
Leap on in and enjoy.


Hi, Simon. Self-doubt and procrastination are definitely writer traits, so you're on the right track. (It can help not to struggle with them, but to laugh at them--"There's my Imposter Syndrome again. Get off my shoulder, you naughty thing." Not saying that's easy...but it's something just about all writers have. Other writer friends of mine look it straight in the eyes and say "OK, I'm a lousy writer, will never be any good, everybody hates me and the bowl of worms for me to eat is right there, but first--FIRST--I'm going to finish this lousy book, so there!") Oh, and there's a point in every book when *almost* every writer (definitely including me) hates the !**! thing and wants to throw it in the trash. It's not what you wanted to write; it doesn't begin to convey what you wanted to convey, it stinks like a week-old fish...but it probably doesn't, really. Get away from it for a day or two. When you look again, you'll be able to see the good, sound, healthy wood parts, and the parts that are damaged or rotten, and prune them away. Build on the good parts, discard the mistakes. Also not easy, but that's how it's done. And besides--self-doubt and procrastination? You're already halfway home. Welcome in.