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Average Chapter Length?


As I discovered last night when reading a Patrick O'Brien book (Mauritius Command), a shorter chapter is preferable as far as I am concerned. A 35 page chapter begun at bedtime means a very tired Chilari come 6:10 when my alarm goes off.


I have some really short chapters (450 words) and some really big ones (8000 words).
Is it a bad thing that the quantity varies so much? Can it confuse the reader?
Damn, didn't know that even this matters!


I like a variety. I like both long and short chapters in a book. In writing though I really don't take much notice. The chapter breaks fall where it feels natural.
I have some really short chapters (450 words) and some really big ones (8000 words).
Is it a bad thing that the quantity varies so much? Can it confuse the reader?
Damn, didn't know that even this matters!

I don't know how many people mind, but I personally find radically diverse chapter sizes in the same book to be distracting. It's not a huge deal, but I do notice it, and the last thing you want is for your readers to notice something besides the story and characters. Like I said, most people may not mind or notice this kind of thing, so you might not have to worry. But having some chapters be twenty times longer than others... well, it might be weird. ;)