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Can You Read?

I read a lot and always have, although in my teens, twenties and thirties I read obsessively (not counting the numerous uni courses I took in those days). I probably average about 3 books a fortnight these days - more on holidays - but I'd say every second book is one I've read before and loved. I'm so frequently disappointed by modern writers.
Every time I open a new book I get that excitement out of the anticipation of whether it’s going to be brilliant, but, has commercialism killed creativity somewhat, or are we all just living in a culture vacuum?
I seriously believe that storytelling is becoming a lost art. So many books start with a decent premise but they rarely deliver a satisfying reading experience with beginning, middle and end.

It's what I most aspire to be - a good storyteller.


Myth Weaver
I would think the opening of the indi publication path would be a push back on commercialism, and that if commercialism killed creativity, creativity would thrive there.


Oh there's plenty of indie stuff out there. Questionable how much it pays and indie stuff tends to attract certain genres that might not be everyone's cup of tea, but lots of creative stuff out there.
There’s definitely more genre stuff in self published works for sure, seeing as some niches are ‘not commercial’ to start with. I don’t think it makes a difference at this point, just maybe the overall writing quality is better in trad published stuff because it has to go through the wringer a bit more before it gets out into the world.
Every time I open a new book I get that excitement out of the anticipation of whether it’s going to be brilliant, but, has commercialism killed creativity somewhat, or are we all just living in a culture vacuum?
I have no doubt when I look at sites like Reedsy that there is an industry built on pushing authors to becoming published authors. My own brushes with professional editing confirms that there are probably several stories I would have loved that were edited out of existence, but also many stories that were improved immensely as well.


Myth Weaver
I would think the opening of the indi publication path would be a push back on commercialism, and that if commercialism killed creativity, creativity would thrive there.
As somebody who (used to) read a lot -

Yes. there is a *LOT* of indie books out there. However, most of them could stand substantial 'developmental editing.'