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Dictation as a style of writing?

I have a hard time getting things down on paper... I decided to try doing what I do for my classes which is to record the story to tape then go through and get it all down on paper.

I was wondering if anyone else does this?

It is something that I did to capture random ideas, but I had not thought about doing it like this.

My new WIP's working title is "Thorns"

Looking forward to seeing if this will improve my writing. So once I get something to post please do check it out and let me know what you think.
Hugs all around,
Will do dear :)
It's got to be easier than what I have been doing with is have an idea... work it all out in my head, then try to get it down to paper in the mean time forgetting 85% of what I had figured out to begin with! :rolleyes2:


Myth Weaver
Ugh, I HATE forgetting most of my plans. >_< I tend to get really good ideas when I'm in bed trying to fall asleep, and as soon as I get up to write or type them out, half of what I had is gone. :/ Grawr.


Will do dear :)
It's got to be easier than what I have been doing with is have an idea... work it all out in my head, then try to get it down to paper in the mean time forgetting 85% of what I had figured out to begin with! :rolleyes2:

An easy practice to avoid forgetting is jotting down quick notes while you think about your idea and then go back and make your jotted notes into sentences. Works like a charm and far easier then rewinding a tape In my opinion. But, to eachs own.


Felis amatus
I tried dictation at one point. Nothing flowed for me. I know some people who have used it successfully, however. All you can do is try it and see if it works for you.
@ Rulle- Yeah I have 50 note books filled with half formed thoughts. The problem is when I work out a whole exchange between charaters or write a whole scene while in the shower... by the time I get to paper or PC I forget most if it. Also I tend to focus so much on trying to remember how something was worded that other finer details get lost...

Thanks for the info at least I know now that others have used it and done well. There is hope yet!!!! :bounce:


Felis amatus
@ Rulle- Yeah I have 50 note books filled with half formed thoughts. The problem is when I work out a whole exchange between charaters or write a whole scene while in the shower... by the time I get to paper or PC I forget most if it. Also I tend to focus so much on trying to remember how something was worded that other finer details get lost...

Thanks for the info at least I know now that others have used it and done well. There is hope yet!!!! :bounce:

Dictating might work well to preserve those ideas. What I tried to so was actually dictate the story - speaking into the machine as though I were actually writing it. That didn't work for me, though it may work for others. Using a recorder to save ideas or flashes of inspiration does sound like something I could do though. If you try it, let me know how it goes.


Article Team
I remember hearing that David Weber does this or was it Kevin J. Anderson... darn it. Any way this author, which ever one he is, dictates to a recording device and has an assistant transcribe it. I've also heard of authors using Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software.


@ Rulle- Yeah I have 50 note books filled with half formed thoughts. The problem is when I work out a whole exchange between charaters or write a whole scene while in the shower... by the time I get to paper or PC I forget most if it. Also I tend to focus so much on trying to remember how something was worded that other finer details get lost...

Thanks for the info at least I know now that others have used it and done well. There is hope yet!!!! :bounce:

Well then yea, I suppose recording yourself would work better because you have the actual sentence recorded that your after.