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Adam James Tait

New Member
Hello all

My names Adam, I'm a 23 year old Data Administrator and Computer Programmer from Essex, England.

I love fantasy books and have been reading them for as long as I have been able to. The idea of starting to write me own came from years of reading Buffy, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings Fanfiction. About 7 years ago I started writting a Buffy Harry Potter Crossover bit of fanfiction, got about 5 years, 300,000 words and a complete rewrite into it before I spoke to a friend of mine and found out she was writting a vampire love story trilogy (yes another one) and that it was about to be published which was when I realised I had spent 5 years writing a story that although it was great fun to write, all I would get out of it would be a few reviews on a couple of websites. So I started writing a new original fantasy story of my own in 2009, now about 100 pages into it (no idea how many words, havent got it on me to look it up) and if I ever get it finished I will hopefully get it published.

Hows that for a detailed intro.

Regards Adam


Wow. That's a lot of words, especially for a fanfic. I've written a few fanfics in my time, but the longest by far is about 27K words. That's quite some staying power you've got there. And to have 100 pages on original fic in two years is impressive too. I spent years writing lots of different things, many of them never getting beyond about 7k words, before I stuck with one story long enough to get that far.

Welcome to the forum.

Adam James Tait

New Member

Its currently called (I'm debating changing the name) The Legend of the Silver Dragon.

The quick back story as I outline it in my prologue is that it is set in the land of Kingdom, which used to be a land where 5 races (elves, dwarves, dragons, men and minotars) all lived in harmony under the benevolant rule of the half-elf half-man Archmagi and his silver dragon (the only one ever to be born) who were given rule as a thank you for prevented a battle that would have destroyed them all. Alls going well until one of the races, the minotaurs, decided they wanted better lands than was given to them. They started a revolution and tried to take over Kingdom but failed but succeeded in killing the one of a kind silver dragon. The plot was then uncovered that it was going to be a revolution by all the races against the rappidly breeding and spreading race of men. The Archmagi, enraged by discovering this started the Purging, a period of time where men (the most numerous of the other races) drove out or killed all the other races, leaving no one in Kingom except for the men, half-men half-elves and tamed dragons (dragons whose inteligence has been removed so they are little more than powerful war machines and mounts).

Skip forward a few hundred years to where my story is set, Kingdom is engaged in a very long stalemate like war with the Vampyres only a few of some of the other 4 purged races are known still to exist and they are all in hiding, the army along with a large number of the members of the church and mage orders (which are simply put, the two rival religions of men) have been fighting along one border of Kingdom for decades with no chance of victory or defeat in sight.

The main story is based around a young mage by the name of Owain who has the odd hobby of, along with his best friend, a church novice by the name of Nathanial (two people who should never get on becuase of their different world views) stealing expensive or rare objects without being detected then replacing them later without anyone knowing it was them who did it.

It all goes wrong when they steal some crystals from a very important member of the church, Nathanial is captured and Owain is forced to flee. It gets more complicated though when the crystals reform into an egg which hatches into a silver dragon, only the second one ever known off, which of course makes Owain's capture even more important to those that knew what the crystals were. Which starts Owain and the companions he frees to help him escape his home city; a minotaur who was being kept as a slave and a (seemingly) young woman who turns out to be a vampyre on an adventure to evade capture, get to the safety of one of the old 4 races and then tryng not to get viewed by the one they get to as the saviors of their kind as they possess a silver dragon.

Thats the quick plot, I've missed huge bits out but thats the gist of it, and I bet that at least one person reading this is thinking; 'hang on, a boy finds an egg which hatches and then goes on the run, this is Eragon', well no its not, I realise that some bits where quite close to the story about thirty pages in but I rapidly changes bits to make it different, the two main ones being that there are more than just a handfull of dragons, we are talking hundreds and secondly that unlike the empire in Eragon where the population knows that the leader is not good, here they think he is brilliant, and for the church's belief system he is even the Gods representative.

Sorry if that last bit sounded a bit like a rant, I just wanted to get in before someone else made the comparison to Eragon.

Is there anything else you would like to know about my story?

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Black Dragon

That sounds like a terrific story, Adam. It is full of possibilities. And best of all, it features my favorite of all creatures - Dragons. :)

Adam James Tait

New Member
Yes and lots of different types sizes and designs of them as well. Ranging in size from the pocket dragons that grow to no more than 20cm in length, that are highly intelligent and like in colonies of thousands, to the 100 foot fire dragons that love to fight, to the air dragons that can spend years on the wing and can throw electricity from their horns at their enemies, to the huge water dragons that live in rivers and lakes when they are young and can glide like a flying fish to escape predators and then when older move out to the oceans and grow to their full length of over 500 feet and lastly (well not lastly there are several more I am going to create but they probably wont come into the story) the extremely rare silver dragon that looks like a chinease dragon, flies without wings, has magic and can speak the tongues of the other races.

Yes I am completely opsessed with dragons.