Today's entry will be about the two major races that inhabit Terra: humans and faeries, as well as the two gods who created their world. Please note that some of this info is subject to change, and if you're wondering what Terra is, be sure to check out the first part of this Fantasia lore dump.
The world of Terra is home to a multitude of species, but there are only two intelligent species who dominate its surface: Humans and Faeries.
Humans are one of two intelligent species that live on Terra. They are the most populous species, living alongside the fae, spiritual beings that were created by the goddess of darkness. Humanity was born when Light and Dark combined their energies to create a race that harbors the aspects of both light and dark, and the ability to choose between them.
Humans are known for being intelligent, resourceful and strong, especially when united against a common threat. These traits have allowed them to adapt and survive in various environments, even in places deemed inhospitable to all forms of life. However, their tendency to fight among themselves when divided represents a serious weakness. They live all over the world, adapting to their environments to the best of their abilities. Being such a divided species, many human settlements have their own cultures, religions, and traditions that differ from one another. The introduction of magic to the species has greatly increased mankind's development and granted them protection from threats both natural and supernatural.
Humanity shares Terra with the fae, who had lived on Terra about a thousand years before the first humans rose from the earth. In ancient times, humans worshipped the fae as gods and divine spirits of nature, and in return many fae offered their protection and guidance. When the discovery of Light and Dark as the true gods was made, much of humanity had converted to worshipping the two gods, and the former "gods" fell into obscurity and mostly forgotten save for stories. Across the world human/fae relations differ depending on how they treat one another; humans could venerate faeries in one part of the world, while in another fae are hunted down as monsters while fae in turn either see humans as companions and equals, or seek to destroy them with equal ferocity.
Humans will sometimes have children with faeries, known as Nephilim, that exhibit powers directed related to those of their faerie parent.
The Fae are immortal, supernatural beings that embody aspects of life and nature. They live on Terra alongside humanity, and were created by the goddess of darkness.
The physiology of faeries, like everything else about them, is fluid and changeable, for in their natural state, faeries exist as pure energy. When humans first encountered faeries, their minds tend to clothe this energy with forms it can understand. An exchange takes place on the mental level, and faeries take visible shape in forms derived from location (the trees, stones, or vegetation around them), expectations or from mythic archetypes. These shapes, though fluid and influenced by the thoughts humans bring to a faery encounter, are nonetheless expressive of the true nature of each faery creature. The faeries often borrow details of their appearance from human ideas and folktale imagery; crowns, garlands, clothes, hats, wands, swords and the like. The power of mythic imagery allows the faeries to take visible shape and have force in the human world.
Faeries are composed of essence, which is entirely different from physical matter. Essence is a form of energy that appears as thin bands of light when seen by the naked eye. Faeries originally do not have physical forms but when exposed to humans, the human mind causes this energy to take shape influenced by strong thoughts. Faeries can shape-shift into different forms, but their true form appears as bands of light connected by two points of light-the head and heart of a faerie.
Relations between humans and faeries vary depending on a number of reasons, namely the temperament of body parties. In some parts of the world, faeries are worshipped and treated as members of society, while other regions demonize faeries and hunt them down out of fear or prejudice, thus earning the ire of the faeries in question. Many faery species have coexisted alongside many human settlements and some are even worshipped as protectors and benefactors.
Though there are many attempts to properly classify the different types of fae in the world (which is a difficult task due to how fluid and changeable the race is), today international standards categorize fae based on their apparent nature.
Bestia-class is the classification for faeries who are animalistic by nature. They are essentially bestial faeries who barely have any intelligence above that of animals and act solely on primal instinct. They often appear as a hybrid mix between regular animals, such as the pegasi, hippocampus, chimera and griffon. Some species of Bestia-class fae can be bred and tamed, though they all must be approached with caution.
Nature-class is the classification for faeries who embody aspects of nature. They are the most common class of fae alongside the Bestia-class, and are more intelligent than them too. Nature-class faeries can range from groups like mermaids, kappa and dwarves to powerful individuals like Titania, Kuzunoha, Oberon, and Mab.
God-class is the classification of the most powerful fae in the world. These faeries are worshipped as gods all over the world, possessing near bottomless power and embody aspects of nature and human civilization. They are immortal and incredibly hard to kill by conventional means. God-class faeries divide themselves into separate clans called pantheons that live in Shadowrealms of their own creation. Prime examples of god-class fae are the Olympians, Asguardians, Amatsukami, and Devas.
Nephilim are a race of beings who are half human, half-fae. They possess mortal souls and are vulnerable to old age and death; however their fae blood endows them with special abilities that allow them to achieve feats usually not possible by humans. Nephilim are the result of a faery and a human having a child together. Because they children are part fae, they have above average reflexes, immunity or resistance to low-level fae magic, and may have some level of control or skill over the realm of their fae parent.
The term "Nephilim" was coined by the Britannia Empire in an attempt to classify the children of the angels who served under the enigmatic Yahweh who resided in the west. As Britannia expanded their influence and encountered other half-fae people, they began using the term to describe them all, and the name eventually caught on as the de facto term to identify those born from the union of humans and fae.
When a Nephilim reaches a certain age, normally early teens, their powers begin to manifest. At this time, their fae blood emits a powerful scent that attracts other fae, on top of their powerful aura, which is stronger than a normal human's and can be sensed by fae as well.
Nephilim are completely indistinguishable from humans. They inherit some traits of their fae parent’s natural form. Though Nephilim sometimes inherit traits from their human parent, their fae nature is more or less dominant. They also inherit certain personality traits. This doesn’t define who they are as individuals, but these traits are passed down in some form or another.
Nephilim have a wide variety of abilities that they all share, but these abilities vary depending on their fae parent, including superhuman strength, speed, superhuman senses, agility, above-average healing factor, intelligence, durability, and endurance. Nephilim also inherit some control over their fae parent’s domain, such as control over natural forces. Some Nephilim also show some control over magic and curses. This is more prevalent in the children of divine-class fae like Zeus and Amaterasu.
The world of Terra is home to a multitude of species, but there are only two intelligent species who dominate its surface: Humans and Faeries.
Humans are one of two intelligent species that live on Terra. They are the most populous species, living alongside the fae, spiritual beings that were created by the goddess of darkness. Humanity was born when Light and Dark combined their energies to create a race that harbors the aspects of both light and dark, and the ability to choose between them.
Humans are known for being intelligent, resourceful and strong, especially when united against a common threat. These traits have allowed them to adapt and survive in various environments, even in places deemed inhospitable to all forms of life. However, their tendency to fight among themselves when divided represents a serious weakness. They live all over the world, adapting to their environments to the best of their abilities. Being such a divided species, many human settlements have their own cultures, religions, and traditions that differ from one another. The introduction of magic to the species has greatly increased mankind's development and granted them protection from threats both natural and supernatural.
Humanity shares Terra with the fae, who had lived on Terra about a thousand years before the first humans rose from the earth. In ancient times, humans worshipped the fae as gods and divine spirits of nature, and in return many fae offered their protection and guidance. When the discovery of Light and Dark as the true gods was made, much of humanity had converted to worshipping the two gods, and the former "gods" fell into obscurity and mostly forgotten save for stories. Across the world human/fae relations differ depending on how they treat one another; humans could venerate faeries in one part of the world, while in another fae are hunted down as monsters while fae in turn either see humans as companions and equals, or seek to destroy them with equal ferocity.
Humans will sometimes have children with faeries, known as Nephilim, that exhibit powers directed related to those of their faerie parent.
The Fae are immortal, supernatural beings that embody aspects of life and nature. They live on Terra alongside humanity, and were created by the goddess of darkness.
The physiology of faeries, like everything else about them, is fluid and changeable, for in their natural state, faeries exist as pure energy. When humans first encountered faeries, their minds tend to clothe this energy with forms it can understand. An exchange takes place on the mental level, and faeries take visible shape in forms derived from location (the trees, stones, or vegetation around them), expectations or from mythic archetypes. These shapes, though fluid and influenced by the thoughts humans bring to a faery encounter, are nonetheless expressive of the true nature of each faery creature. The faeries often borrow details of their appearance from human ideas and folktale imagery; crowns, garlands, clothes, hats, wands, swords and the like. The power of mythic imagery allows the faeries to take visible shape and have force in the human world.
Faeries are composed of essence, which is entirely different from physical matter. Essence is a form of energy that appears as thin bands of light when seen by the naked eye. Faeries originally do not have physical forms but when exposed to humans, the human mind causes this energy to take shape influenced by strong thoughts. Faeries can shape-shift into different forms, but their true form appears as bands of light connected by two points of light-the head and heart of a faerie.
Relations between humans and faeries vary depending on a number of reasons, namely the temperament of body parties. In some parts of the world, faeries are worshipped and treated as members of society, while other regions demonize faeries and hunt them down out of fear or prejudice, thus earning the ire of the faeries in question. Many faery species have coexisted alongside many human settlements and some are even worshipped as protectors and benefactors.
Though there are many attempts to properly classify the different types of fae in the world (which is a difficult task due to how fluid and changeable the race is), today international standards categorize fae based on their apparent nature.
Bestia-class is the classification for faeries who are animalistic by nature. They are essentially bestial faeries who barely have any intelligence above that of animals and act solely on primal instinct. They often appear as a hybrid mix between regular animals, such as the pegasi, hippocampus, chimera and griffon. Some species of Bestia-class fae can be bred and tamed, though they all must be approached with caution.
Nature-class is the classification for faeries who embody aspects of nature. They are the most common class of fae alongside the Bestia-class, and are more intelligent than them too. Nature-class faeries can range from groups like mermaids, kappa and dwarves to powerful individuals like Titania, Kuzunoha, Oberon, and Mab.
God-class is the classification of the most powerful fae in the world. These faeries are worshipped as gods all over the world, possessing near bottomless power and embody aspects of nature and human civilization. They are immortal and incredibly hard to kill by conventional means. God-class faeries divide themselves into separate clans called pantheons that live in Shadowrealms of their own creation. Prime examples of god-class fae are the Olympians, Asguardians, Amatsukami, and Devas.
Nephilim are a race of beings who are half human, half-fae. They possess mortal souls and are vulnerable to old age and death; however their fae blood endows them with special abilities that allow them to achieve feats usually not possible by humans. Nephilim are the result of a faery and a human having a child together. Because they children are part fae, they have above average reflexes, immunity or resistance to low-level fae magic, and may have some level of control or skill over the realm of their fae parent.
The term "Nephilim" was coined by the Britannia Empire in an attempt to classify the children of the angels who served under the enigmatic Yahweh who resided in the west. As Britannia expanded their influence and encountered other half-fae people, they began using the term to describe them all, and the name eventually caught on as the de facto term to identify those born from the union of humans and fae.
When a Nephilim reaches a certain age, normally early teens, their powers begin to manifest. At this time, their fae blood emits a powerful scent that attracts other fae, on top of their powerful aura, which is stronger than a normal human's and can be sensed by fae as well.
Nephilim are completely indistinguishable from humans. They inherit some traits of their fae parent’s natural form. Though Nephilim sometimes inherit traits from their human parent, their fae nature is more or less dominant. They also inherit certain personality traits. This doesn’t define who they are as individuals, but these traits are passed down in some form or another.
Nephilim have a wide variety of abilities that they all share, but these abilities vary depending on their fae parent, including superhuman strength, speed, superhuman senses, agility, above-average healing factor, intelligence, durability, and endurance. Nephilim also inherit some control over their fae parent’s domain, such as control over natural forces. Some Nephilim also show some control over magic and curses. This is more prevalent in the children of divine-class fae like Zeus and Amaterasu.