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Fantasy World Writing Group

BJ Swabb

Hello yall! So I am looking to start a writing group in which has an open mind and have great imagination. I have been exploring my own world of my book series for over three years and I am still going with it. I haven't published anything yet on my own atleast, and I would like to make this series a success. So I am looking for individuals who may be interested in helping me with my series. We would get together through email where I would send out a chapter at a time of my series, there each will read and then make notes on how to better it, ideas you may have for the chapter, and share a version of the chapter with me that may help me with making the book a success. If interested please let me know ASAP, as I am dedicated in this series and would love to have help with fellow writers.


I have nothing I can offer in return, but I am interested in seeing a segment or two, if it is posted here. So far, to my knowledge, this has been an exciting time for me, here at mythic scribes, and I have been welcomed, charmed, and even dismissed. However, I realise you may have not been here for as long, so you don’t know how things work. That is a cry for attention, so as long as you stick by the community guidelines, I’m sure you won’t be kicked out. As deprived as it is, that is the facts, or so i have heard here, so move along with the herd, and you will be fine.


Myth Weaver
I am personally hesitant to agree with a regular thing. But I have been known to review stuff when it come up. It really depends on my amount of freedom at any given time. But, when I have energy to spend, I like to spend it on my own project.

If you have something to be reviewed, I am generally open to looking at it.

I've seen other posts of your here. It seems you dont have a lot of confidence in your own ability. I think you write well enough. I've seen some of the RPG threads you have posted (though I am not interested in that type of activity). Like most things, the amount of energy you have to spend to go from 0 to 80% of the way to skillful is not very great. Its that last 20% that kicks your butt. You should have more confidence, and believe you will be writing well in not very much time at all.

BJ Swabb

I am personally hesitant to agree with a regular thing. But I have been known to review stuff when it come up. It really depends on my amount of freedom at any given time. But, when I have energy to spend, I like to spend it on my own project.

If you have something to be reviewed, I am generally open to looking at it.

I've seen other posts of your here. It seems you dont have a lot of confidence in your own ability. I think you write well enough. I've seen some of the RPG threads you have posted (though I am not interested in that type of activity). Like most things, the amount of energy you have to spend to go from 0 to 80% of the way to skillful is not very great. Its that last 20% that kicks your butt. You should have more confidence, and believe you will be writing well in not very much time at all.
Thanks for the encouragement. I am pretty confident as far as creating a good imagination outline and a basic story, but grammar and editing isn't my forte. But I am getting more and more confident in my writing, though what I write may not be for everyone's liking. My writing style is different as I like to put a lot of detail into my novels. I feel detail makes the reader see more clearly on what the world, characters, and creatures look like and experience it in a way of a film or show.

BJ Swabb

Great! If you are interested pleae PM me and we can discuss things further. I am looking to start next Thursday on the group. Please message me immediately if interested so I can get your emails! Thanks a bunch!!! The first section will be the Introduction and the entire Prologue of Volume One!

BJ Swabb

Would we be starting a new novel or adding to one you already started?
We will be going through my series one chapter at a time. Starting with Volume One of book one. Each member will read through it, write down notes and ideas for the chapter and rewrite it in your own version of how you think it should go but keeping the chapter to its identity of what it is. If that makes any sense at all. So pretty much adding to the chapters I already have created.

I'll email not only the chapter but description/ profile of the characters in the chapter as well so you know them a little bit more. If you have questions with the chapters feel free to ask me as you look them over either in the email or through PM on here and I will talk to you about it.

BJ Swabb

Well hello Everyone! It is officially here! Day one of the Writing Group! As I said when I wrote what I was seeking, this group is to help me explore and better my world of Granderhill, and to find avenues on how each chapter should be written. So here is the first assignment:

Below I will post the first half of the Prologue of Volume One. Read through it, and write down your thoughts on what needs to be done as far as character and story is concerned. Yes I know about the POV and grammar and will worry about that when it comes around. For now read through it, and start brainstorming on how to make this better. Then I want you to revise and add to the section in how you feel it should go. Once you do that email me your work. I will read through it and pick which ones I like the most, then we can discuss the different writings on here next Thursday.

BJ Swabb

Here is the beginning of the Prologue! Read, write and have fun with it! There is no bad way of doing this! I just want to see where you go with it! Email your version to [email protected] there I will read what you came up with!

The great ball is just about to commence at the great castle garden, as sanction leaders and a few of their loyal warriors and advisors begin to arrive. It is an early evening, as the sun begins to lower for the day, and the wind calms down. And the day for young Evelyn Scarlet is about to come to a halt from her schooling by her teacher, the king's advisor and the great wizard Master Dorlius Greybeard. Now young Evelyn Scarlet is no older than fifteen and is the daughter to the Dame knight Joan "of Arc" Scarlet, who is the head kings guard, and the general of Torman's militia. Evelyn's hair is dark brown, which matched her eyes; she’s athletically built like a young gymnast, and keen with the knowledge of creatures of the land, and skilled with a bow and arrow.

In the grand library, Dorlius sits at the end of the large oak table reading a large book containing spells, as Evelyn's nose is stuck in her own book about the dark creatures of the Shadowlands.

Clearing his throat, Dorlius looks over his glasses, and looks at Evelyn, “My dear it seems our time is up for the day. You must hurry on your way and ready yourself for the ball tonight. You are in for a treat my dear. Many you shall meet tonight."

Evelyn smiles as she closes her book and stands to her feet, "Yes Master. It will be a delight to meet so many leaders and creatures of the land. I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Evelyn shows herself out of the library and heads to her quarters, where she enters the lounge where her mother sits upon the couch waiting for her daughter. Evelyn grins widely as she nods to her mother and slowly walks into her room where she finds a gown laying upon her large queen size bed. The gown is a scarlet red, with silver trim. She dresses and walks out to the lounge where her mother is dressed in her gown of gold and white.

"Mother, you are so radiant. The men will be staring upon your bosom for sure." Evelyn giggles.

"Evelyn, joking is not appropriate at this time. It is a very important night. Do you know why this ball is being taken place?" Joan asks her daughter as she walks over, and begins to comb Evelyn's long brown hair.

"Master Dorlius says that it is the Great Autumn Gathering. He says it is the night where all the sanctions come to show their allegiance towards the treaty of old." Evelyn answers.

"Yes, that is correct my dear." Joan smiles, "The treat is the most important aspect of the land. It is what keeps order and peace with in Granderhill."

"How long has the treaty been in effect mother?" Evelyn asks.

"The treaty came into effect after the great Demon War. After the capture of the Demon King and his fellow evil horde, King Aldimus placed the treaty in effect, making sure all who resides in Granderhill kept the peace, following the rules of the treaty." Joan walks over and sits back down on the coach where Evelyn joins her with in moments.

"Mother, what does the treaty imply?" Evelyn asks.

"Has Master Dorlius not addressed the treaty to you? It is not like him, not to teach the importance of the kingdom to his pupil." Joan sighs. "The treat simply addresses that any individual who kills without purpose, start havoc upon the innocent, or cause war upon another sanction will be treated as a traitor to Granderhill and will be dealt with through the means of death."

A sudden knock sounds at the door, as it opens revealing a young knight, no older than a few years older than Evelyn enters. "Sorry Madame Scarlet, but the king awaits for his king guard. He says he will not appear to his guest without you by his side."

"Very well. Tell King Aldimus I am on my way, Joffery." Joan nods to the knight.

Joan stands to her feet, kisses Evelyn on the forehead and smiles at her. The dame knight turns away from her daughter and exits the quarters, leaving the young teen girl alone. With time to herself, Evelyn approaches her large mirror, twirls around and looks upon her reflection. She smiles, as she finds a beautiful young woman standing before her.

"Gorgeous you are my young lady." calls out a voice.

Evelyn turns her head to see a swallow upon the widow in her room. "Oh...hello there."

"Good evening, milady." the swallow nods.

"What pleasure do I have for your presence young swallow?" Evelyn asks.

"I just simply wanted to meet Master Dorlius' apprentice before the ball. I have heard great things about you from the Whispering Woods." the swallow replies.

"And what is said about me, if I may ask?" Evelyn walks over and lowers herself levels to the swallow.

"Only great things, milady." the swallow answers. "The Animals of the Woods, speak of only respect of you. Many have watched you for years. It is said your skills with a bow is highly impressive. More so that you are a very curious individual, who wants to know more of the land."

"Yes, I guess that is true. My curiosity gets to me a lot. It surprises me that my curiousness doesn't kill me." Evelyn chuckles.

"Nonsense milady, curiosity isn't a bad thing." the swallow comments. "But I think this meeting must end now. We do have a ball to attend after all."

"Yes perhaps you are right. My master and my mother both I am sure are waiting for me." Evelyn smiles. "It was nice meeting you my fellow swallow friend."