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Fantasy worlds with bearded elves **(please read the description)**

I notice that most fantasy worlds feature elves that either cannot grow facial hair or at the very least don't often.
The only fantasy worlds with bearded elves that I know of are:
Middle Earth- There are one or two bearded elves, but it's uncommon overall
Nirn (Elder Scrolls)- Bearded elves are actually fairly common here, at least with Bosmer, Dunmer, and Orsimer. Altmer are usually shaven.
Azeroth (WoW)- most elves are shaven here, but one race of elves can grow goatees, and another can actually grow a fairly thick full beard.
[Any of my own worlds]
Eld (Orc Knight's world)- only wood elves have beards in Eld

And that's about it. Has anyone encountered any other worlds with bearded elves?

This was typed in Comic Sans, but switched to Book Antiqua. Then switched back again.
Lynea says: "[in Lorthanil] if an elf has a beard it's most likely because they're over 100 years old and publicly wish to be called an elder"

Mad Swede

Hang on. Tolkien never actually says that the elves in Middle Earth don't have beards; what he says is that they look young and have very distinctive eyes which reflect their long lives, which isn't quite the same thing. Most of the main elvish and half elvish characters aren't explicitly described as having beards, but neither is it said that they don't have beards.

I think a lot depends on what sources are used as the basis for fantasy elves. If, for example, you were to base them on Scandinavian folklore then the elves would all be female.
Really? I was told that they don't have beards, other than one guy. I was also told that they can't even grow beards till they're older than Zeus's soiled loincloth(paraphrase)
Ah, so bearded women, then.
elves would all be female.
Can you think of any other worlds with bearded elves, other than the ones listed above?

Also, is my font coming across as Comic Sans?

Mad Swede

Really? I was told that they don't have beards, other than one guy. I was also told that they can't even grow beards till they're older than Zeus's soiled loincloth(paraphrase)

Thats rather like saying that the elves in Tolkiens work have pointed ears. That isn't in the books anywhere, though it does arise in Victorian novels and illustrations involving elves.

Tolkien doesn't mention beards on elves very much, but thats because he focusses on their eyes. I'd never assume they didn't have beards, simply because several of the Maiar mentioned in the books (Saruman, Gandalf andf Radagast) are described as having beards.

Also, is my font coming across as Comic Sans?
Don't ask me - I'm dyslexic and I have enough trouble reading without worrying about what font someone is using...
Thats rather like saying that the elves in Tolkiens work have pointed ears. That isn't in the books anywhere, though it does arise in Victorian novels and illustrations involving elves.

Tolkien doesn't mention beards on elves very much, but thats because he focusses on their eyes. I'd never assume they didn't have beards, simply because several of the Maiar mentioned in the books (Saruman, Gandalf andf Radagast) are described as having beards.
I thought maybe it was in the Silmarillion or something.


Hang on. Tolkien never actually says that the elves in Middle Earth don't have beards; what he says is that they look young and have very distinctive eyes which reflect their long lives, which isn't quite the same thing. Most of the main elvish and half elvish characters aren't explicitly described as having beards, but neither is it said that they don't have beards.

I think a lot depends on what sources are used as the basis for fantasy elves. If, for example, you were to base them on Scandinavian folklore then the elves would all be female.

He actually never reached a definitive conclusion on this (and many other topics): Celebrimbor is mentioned as having a beard, yet in other place it is mentioned that one of characteristics of half-elves was that they had no beard.


I don't think we should pay too much attention to Tolkien's half-elves in this discussion. Not that they are not important, but there are 4 of them (7 if you count Elrond's children). Not really a whole groups of people or representative of a whole race.

That statement is relevant because it means that if half-elves were distinguished by their lack of beard, then elves had no beard.
Personally, I prefer my Elves like I prefer my vampires...
Pretty, but not sparkling. ;)
To that end, I dislike facial hair. Thus I prefer elves without all the fur. Orlando Bloom's portrayal of Legolas comes to mind when I picture what an elf should look like.
To that end, I dislike facial hair. Thus I prefer elves without all the fur. Orlando Bloom's portrayal of Legolas comes to mind when I picture what an elf should look like.
Facial hair is not always messy "fur". What about an elegant goatee or mustache? That would suit an elf just fine. Also, Tolkien's elves could grow beards.
Facial hair is not always messy "fur". What about an elegant goatee or mustache? That would suit an elf just fine. Also, Tolkien's elves could grow beards.
I never said they couldn't. Just that I don't like it. ;)
I prefer my elves, baby faced, handsome and pretty. For me facial hair just dosent do it for me. To each their own though. I know lots of people who dig that type of look.