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First Book! Looking For Thoughts!


New Member
My book doesn't have a decided name yet, but the most likely candidate is probably either SoulSong, SoulStorm, or SoulRage. (Let me know which you like best.)

The book itself works on the basis of Souls. Every single living entity has a Soul. Just one, no more. The more sentient an entity is, the more powerful their Soul is. For example, most plant life has an extremely weak Soul, while a wild animal has a mid-range Soul.

  1. Souls cannot be willingly transferred to another entity, but they can be taken by force. Killing an entity will essentially "absorb" their Soul into another one, therefore adding the power of the Souls together.

    Souls can be "burnt" to create different effects. The effects that can be created fully depends on what the entity chose to attune its Soul to. A Soul can be attuned to almost anything, but common attunements are Gravity, Steel, Kinetic Force, Acid, Time, Flame, various plants and animals, Space, Stone, Ice, etc.

    Attuning your soul also gains you some passive benefits, such as a Stone attunement making you tougher, stronger, and heavier, or a Kinetic attunement stopping you from being injured by anything that has a high amount of inertia. To a certain degree at least. It depends on how powerful your Soul is.

    Also, Souls move in stages. The more powerful your Soul is, the more stages it will be at, and the more stages your Soul has reached, the more attunements your Soul can handle. Some of the most powerful beings have upwards of 15 stages, and therefore 15+ attunements.

    Did I mention that every time part of a Soul is burnt to create an effect, that Soul energy is gone permanently. That's a thing too.

    I'm glad I could get this out there! The book is about halfway done, and should be finished by early 2025. There probably isn't going to be a whole lot of popularity surrounding it, this being my first book, but any recognition is very much appreciated!
To my mind this is more of an idea for a magic system, not a book. Is it a finished story at this point? You could always re-phrase the question to be more specifically about the soul theme you’re working with and people might give you some appropriate criticism.


Myth Weaver
I favor whichever title most fits the story. The above is not the story, so I cannot know.

This is a soul based magic system, which by itself, is material to work with, but not enough to make a story.

IMO, the real addition her is burning souls for effects, but I am not sure that it much different than eating ones enemies to gain their spirit.

All I can say is, it has potential, but I need more to answer the question.
I agree with Finch and the dragon that you've given us an outline of a magic system. I'm inferring that there are people who use this system to enhance themselves to achieve their goals. What they want to achieve, why, what they must overcome to do so and at what costs will be the story. Tell us about that stuff and we can suggest which title we think fits best.