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Flesch–Kincaid readability test


I can't get Word to give me my results, for some reason… says a dialog box showing the stats should pop up, but it doesn't. Disappointing. May have to mess with it a bit and see what happens.

(I dread what a wordcloud might return. I already know some of my weaknesses. Though I may try it anyway.…)

Nothing happens after you run spellcheck and click through aaall the 'corrections' it demands?


Haha! I have managed to get the stats on the essay I have just finished writing. The results are in:

Words: 2697 (oops, a bit over there; had to delete two paragraphs to get it down that far too; was meant to be 2500)
Passive sentences: 30% (oops, bit high)
Reading Ease: 28.1
Grade level: 16.5

I think that's suitable, given that it's a postgraduate level assignment and the only people who will read it are my tutors - all with PhDs. Fingers crossed I actually get a good mark for it. now to print it and whatnot.
Just ran my most polished version of my WIP through it and came up with:

Passive Sentences: 3%
Reading Ease: 76.1%
Grade Level: 5.4

I suppose that makes it fairly easy to read for most adults, as that is who it's aimed at.