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[Game] What If?


Then this would be the 3,564,757,657,435,354th iteration and we still haven't gotten the good ending.

What if the sky was green?


Then best-selling albums would consist of people just talking.

If Homer were alive today, how would he make a living?


Myth Weaver
By updating Wikopedia and correcting all the lies.

What if we could take a one way trip to any to any time or place we liked?


Then we'd probably end up with a world pretty similar to today's...

What if a genie were given one wish, just for herself?


Myth Weaver
More ppl would use their actual photo's in their avi's.

What if you actually were as your avi depicted?


Myth Weaver
I'd probably be in a lot more trouble.

What if I had 800 channels on my TV and they were all good?


We'd constantly be happy and frustrated. I missed 799 of my favorite shows, but the one I watched was really good! Also, I recorded a few others, but I will never have time to watch them because there is always something else good on that I don't want to miss! Why is life a constant first world struggle???

What if the sun was a ball of constantly boiling, crystal clear water?
The boiling rain was a gimmick for about approximately five minutes, when tomatoes growing on the vine instantly turned to marinara sauce, the onions turned into delicious onion rings and the strawberries turned to jam, but the caveat to all this was third degree burns. You win some you lose some.

What if all our lives were a series of comic book strips?


Many people complained about the problems their artists gave them. Meteors, mean parents, thieves. Me? I wish I had a real body like Gary in The Ultimate Cheese. I'm tired of having stick figure arms. :(

What if cats had wings?