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Hey all, names Alex.

Always loved fantasy books. Even read the hobbit when I was 9.

My favourite author has to be james clemens. I like garth nix too but only the old Kingdom series.

Currently reading through the last mistborn book by brandon sanderson.


Myth Weaver
Hello Alex
Welcome to Mythic Scribes.
We try to be a helpful and friendly place.
So leap on in when you have a mind to and I hope you find what you want here.
Welcome to the Scribes Alex, The Hobbit is a great book, good on you. This is indeed a friendly, helpful place so do feel free to make use of it.
Mistborn? The Hero of Ages? Great book! Had to say that. Anyway, welcome to Scribes. If you are i any way a fan/writer of fantasy, this is the place to be. All the members (i have met) are great, so don't feel shy. Once again, Welcome.