Any Scribes active on Goodreads? I recently dusted off my account with the intention of actually using it. Why have it otherwise, right?
Anyway, if any of you would like to connect on there hit me up.
I'm still learning Goodreads myself but it seems most helpful if you find like-minded others to mingle with. Connecting over books and discussions is fun. I've joined in on a couple discussions and have discovered new books that way. It's basically a social site where everybody is in love with books. It seems serious authors keep up their profiles on there, too. If it's worth their while...j/s.There are lots of different kinds of people on Goodreads. I'd be hard pressed to describe its culture. Can you give some details?
I'm trying to understand. You can't stand the culture there. The explanation is that reviewers are a dime a dozen. Sorry, but I can't make that metaphor go anywhere. I'm not trying to argue or persuade you to some other point of view, I'm just trying to understand first how there can be a culture in such a fragmented place as Goodreads, and second what someone would find offensive there. This might help guide me in deciding to recommend the place to one person but not to another.
Ah. OK, I get that. Trolls live everywhere, alas. One weakness of Goodreads is that anyone can form a group. This means most groups fail and fade, with only a handful of members and where years can go by between posts.
Worse, though, are the groups that succeed but are poorly moderated. And if that happens to involve culturally, or even personally, sensitive topics, the atmosphere can get poisonous and stay that way. I tend to sniff out those places pretty quickly and simply don't go there, but I can see a person getting blind-sided.
So, you've reminded me: if I recommend Goodreads, I should advise the noob to read through the group postings for a while and only join those that seem well run. Nobody likes to get bushwhacked.
Thanks for the reply.