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Greetings all!


New Member
I'm an avid reader from GA with an over-active (perhaps hyperactive) imagination who is trying to finally get some of these stories and ideas out of his head and down onto paper. I've always favored fantasy and science fiction, though have strayed on occasion to read other things that looked interesting. My favorite right now is Robert Jordan (we miss you, big guy) with David Eddings coming in a close second, despite (or maybe because of) the difference in their writing styles.

For many, many years I've toyed with the idea of writing, and have had many ideas and characters stuck in my head all this time, but have never actually gotten around to doing anything with them. I'm hoping to finally take this further than my imagination and try to create something that I myself would want to pick up off the shelf and read.

I figured that a community such as this would be a good source of advice, inspiration, and encouragement.