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It's nice to belong to a forum that is Fantasy specific. I'm trying out Forum Runner, please forgive me if I've landed on the wrong branch.

I have completed a fairy tale novel and received positive feedback, but readers don't get the big picture. I'm hoping to sharpen my talons with an absurd parody called, "First Fantasy," a joke on, "Final Fantasy," which never seems to end. If "Final Fantasy" does manage to end, please tell me! I'm having fun with the entire genre, it is not limited to just books or games. Cheers!
Welcome Griffin, I've often made similar jokes about final destination... maybe they should make a first destination and perhaps the series would be finished. Food for thought.


I'm having fun with the entire genre, it is not limited to just books or games. Cheers!

Fantasy is great, isn't it? You can do anything you want! You want ethereal armies of winged serpents? You got it. You want a disembodied head to tell a story about three theives who took the rain from heaven? Gotcha. You want a story of the greatest swordsman in the world told from the sword's point of veiw? Go for it!
Fantasy is fun. If you can't have fun writing, then what's the point?
I'm glad you've joined us. It sounds like you can bring a lot to the table here, so to speak. So, welcome! I look forward to seeing your posts.
Enjoyment is where it's at. If a story doesn't have the potential for spiders to rain down from the sky, I just can't do it anymore! Doesn't mean there has to be spiders in the sky, they could have a spider-parade with a brass band and pageantry, but the potential must be there. Fantasy is timeless.