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Hello fellow Scribes...


I am always a fan of fiction and to find a place of this, Mythic Scribes...well, Raziel is here have no fear. Fantasy and fiction always go hand in hand and I have just the mind to indulge this sensation; this passion. Thank you, all you administrators, for this opportunity. I have found another home.


some thoughts on that...

Welcome Raziel!

Have you read any good books lately?

Why yes I have. The Dark Tower series has stayed vivid within my mind for a while now. I read them a few years ago so I guess it doesn't really count as 'lately'. The book I'm on now is entitled 'Star Split'. It is from the view of a teenage girl named Darci set quite a ways in the future. A future where genetic enhancement is the norm and disease is all but wiped out. There are two 'types' of people 'Originals' and 'Genhants'. The cover claims the book is for 14-18 yr old, but being about 10 years from that age group I still find if very interesting.
The story is of our human genome project becoming more precise throughout the years, we take the best genetic structures and breed the best of the best. Although there are some rules, the author mentions there was a time of DNA swapping chaos (akin to the 60 free love attitude). For instance an entire basketball team like Micheal Jordan, (imagine how boring that would get, every player making every shot insane high scores for every game; the author states), so in retrospect there were laws formed to prevent people picking 'vanities' for their children. Hence, the cream of the crop of looks and brains are technically illegal to encode. The rest is fair game. The people who can afford the specific encodings get better traits while the lower class who can't afford it can just hope for a disease free baby with no specific encodings.
I am very impressed by this book and have an interest in science that helps me really follow it and see how our society can change/evolve to a step in science like that. Like I said though I have yet to finish it. So, all I can say is 'yes' to your question and ask another; "Have you read any good books lately?"

Fellow Scribe,
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Black Dragon

Thanks for the recommendation, Raziel.

Right now I'm reading through The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. I can't say enough about how awesome it is. It follows the story of a street urchin who is taken as an apprentice by a legendary assassin. Amazingly, the book sidesteps most cliches and provides some surprises along the way.


Thanks for the recommendation, Raziel.

Right now I'm reading through The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. I can't say enough about how awesome it is. It follows the story of a street urchin who is taken as an apprentice by a legendary assassin. Amazingly, the book sidesteps most cliches and provides some surprises along the way.

Ok sai...I shall post my story 'verbatim', you tell me what might be wrong with it besides the obvious spelling and grammar. Just tell me the truth. I have always had a problem with re-writing...yet I sense the veins 'we' traipse upon.
My chunk of story can be found at the 'Novels & Stories'. Have fun!


P.S. Guess I gotta cut the story a bit to make it work. (10,000 words rather than 23000) I do have a few things poetry wise on 'writing forums' as WCB so maybe check that out in the mean time. Let me know how good, bad, or ugly it all is..
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