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Hello from the Bay Area

Mars Eberwulf

New Member
Hey there, my name is Mars. I've been lurking for a bit and thought I'd finally introduce myself. I've always had an interest in fantasy my whole life since I grew up on Spyro the Dragon, Banjo Kazooie, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, DragonBall Z, Digimon, Ronin Warriors, and Power Rangers.

Most of my interests lie in high adventure fantasy and weird and quirky fantasy. I love reading and writing stories that play around with the usual tropes and cliches you find. Characters are definitely my strongest point in writing with plot being my weakest.

I'm a preschool teacher working with 2 year olds and trying to get myself on a better writing schedule so I can hopefully get something published before hell freezes over XD. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask away. See you on the forums.


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met Mars Eberwulf
Good to have you here.
Hope you enjoy MS and find it as supportive and helpful as I do.
[Would try to add something hopefully witty here, but I'm just too tired...]


toujours gai, archie
Welcome to the Eternal Wolf of Mars (love the name). Do take some time to read the threads; many treasures lie there, among which is lots of advice on the writing process. Lots of moaning, too! :)


Welcome to the forums, Mars! The Bay area is one of my favorite places. :D