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Hello! Kara, Present!


Hello there, Mythic Scribes! My name is Kara. It's great to be here.

I'm a 24 year old young woman living in California, USA. I'm majoring in Computer Science, but hope to fuel my creativity as well throughout my lifetime. I'm currently most interested in interactive storytelling and video game storytelling, which feels a bit like an off-shoot of more traditional styles. I still very much enjoy traditional styles of writing, as well.

I'm also very interested in world-building, and I hope to create a world and story to use while running a tabletop campaign or two. If I study and work hard, maybe one day I'll come up with a constructed language, as well!

I look forward to meeting all of you and participating in this community. Thank you for having me!


Myth Weaver
Hail and well-met xkara
Good to have you here
There are a lot of new possibilities in storytelling. I can remember the first Steve Jackson follow your own adventure story.
Good luck and leap on in!


Thank you for the warm welcome, CupofJoe!

I actually have a couple books on interactive storytelling. Fantasy is my favorite genre and setting, so I'm excited to share what I come up with down the line.


Thank you, pmmg!

Orc Knight, hello! I haven't made any interactive fiction myself. I've played with Twine a little bit, but don't have any finished or even developed WIPs to share. Choice of Games does have some fun works, though!


Thank you, Orc Knight! I'll definitely be stopping by the chat from time to time. :)