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Well met, fellow scribes. I am Metalfist, appreciative of epic battle, strong ale, and a tale well told. I myself am partial to the writing of the short story. I favor fantasy that stretches the definition of the genre. There may very well be nary a dragon or sword in the tales that I might tell. I look forward to sharing ideas with you all.:)
welcome. the first world I cared has no magic at all (though when the gods were creating other worlds they invented an organ that can possess the essence of what they themselves are made of). Anyway stay active and have fun.


Hails unto thee, Metalfist! I am Xanados. I appreciate your theatrical entrance into our forum. I'm just going by your name here, but do you listen to any metal music, perhaps?
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Aye, Xanados..... I am partial to the minstrel that would play heavier music. I have been known to take up my own bass and create noise to rival the thunder of the heavens.