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Hello, everyone! I have been a writer and indie publisher for some time, but I have at last fallen into a new genre (for me): medievalesque fantasy, and so thought it would be nice to become part of a larger community.

I am a transplanted Canadian living in the Nashville area. I have a freelance business doing web design & development as well as graphic design and publishing related services. I also work in the hospitality industry.

My first fantasy book is The Legend of the Dagger Prince, which is slated for publication on April 8 and is intended as the first book in a new series called Annals of Adamah.

Thanks for letting me aboard. Looking forward to learning a lot from you all. :D


By the way, I'm curious how many other members are writing within this subgenre. Essentially, I am writing about a world very like our own, set in medieval-like times, but geography and minor creatures etc are invented. There is some world-building involved, but it's not filled with magic and such. I'm aiming for a literary feel.

Is anyone else here working along anything like those lines?


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met TAGallant
My current WiP is set in a late medieval / early renaissance period for technology and roughly equates to Spain and Italy for culture and politics. I try not to think in genres but in what I want to write [so look out for a Vorlon Spacecraft any-time soon].
Anyway. Good to have you here.


Hail and well met TAGallant
My current WiP is set in a late medieval / early renaissance period for technology and roughly equates to Spain and Italy for culture and politics. I try not to think in genres but in what I want to write [so look out for a Vorlon Spacecraft any-time soon].
Anyway. Good to have you here.
Thanks, CupofJoe. I've primarily been a nonfiction writer (niche biblical studies). I also have one very short (~100 pages) novel in a modern setting. I somehow got an idea for what I thought was a really great concept, and that's basically how I fell into this genre. Now I'm really excited about it. Of course, I've read various fantasy authors (Tolkien, Lewis, Gene Wolfe), but it hasn't been my main influence/interest.

BTW, speaking of cup of joe, my logo for my fiction imprint has a coffee theme. :)