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Hello everyone,

I stumbled across this sight a few weeks ago and, having enjoyed most of the posts and community here, decided to join. I've been writing on and off for close to 10 years now, mainly trying to find my voice. I haven't been published yet, but I recently submitted two short stories to magazines(fingers crossed). Those are actually the only two pieces of work I have ever submitted. I'm a little over critical of my own writing.

Anyway I'm happy to join this community and look forward to benefiting from this wealth of knowledge as well as sharing any wisdom I have gained over the years.

Welcome, Thomas. We do indeed have an incredible wealth of knowledge here, provided by the gathering minds of almost every kind of fantasy writer. Have fun here.

Philip Overby

Article Team
Welcome! We're sort of like a support center if you're struggling with any writing issues, so don't be afraid to share!


Welcome, Drasn. We're a friendly bunch here, and we're not without our own writing flaws (and I'm pretty sure being overly critical of our own writing is a very common one indeed).

Good luck with your recent short story submissions. We'll cross our fingers for you.


Hello Thomas,

I hope you didn't scrap your toe when you stumbled upon us!

Welcome to the site, it's lovely to have you here. I'm crossing my fingers with you that one (or both) of your stories get picked up. If they don't remember there's always next time! Keep writing!

Let us know how we can help you in your endeavors!