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I'm Uti, from Indonesia. I found this site through a Google search and it only took me a couple of articles to decide that I would like to join this community. I'm in the last semester of law school (yes, in Indonesia law school is an undergraduate), and at the same time, having an internship at a natural resource law firm. So, no, I don't have enough time to write. Unfortunately.

My writing history started off with my uber fascination for mangas when I was a kid, until a relative gave me Enid Blyton's "Famous Five" to improve my reading skills. As I took lessons in English, my tutor told me to start reading English books and Harry Potter was the most happening children book at the time. Lucky me, it dragged me right down to the pit of fantasy books and I haven't stopped reading and writing fantasy ever since.

When I read the stuff posted in this website, I realized I knew nothing about fantasy. My ultimate favorite book is Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time", and my ultimate favorite movie is M. Night Shyamalan's "Unbreakable". I love each and every of Shyamalan's movie big time. Hopefully, this community can offer me more references in this genre.

Currently, I'm writing a fantasy story that I'm really determined to finish, because the idea I'm pursuing right now truly excites me to no end.

I don't know what else to say about me. Haha!



Welcome and glad you joined.
I think you will find that live rarely offers a lot of time to write. There are always things such as work, family time and obligations, travel, everyday activities (such as cleaning and cooking), you name it. But with dedication you can fit in time to write. It may not be the top priority, but if you make it a priority it helps.

"A Wrinkle in Time" is a great novel and been around and popular for a long time.

Glad you joined and looking forward to getting to know you through your posts, and keep on plugging away with your writing.



Hi Uti! Welcome! I have a sister who will begin law school in a couple years:) Very excited to see what you have written!


Thank you so much for the welcome everyone! :)
Yes, I agree. Through some dedication, I will always find the time to write. However, I'm usually very tired already whenever I come home from work. I go to straight to sleep instead of writing :(
I'm too shy to post my stuff here. I'm such a newbie hahahaha