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Help I'm Possessed!

There is a story that took shape, unbidden, in my head. I started to tell myself the story to help overcome insomnia. Finally I decided to put pen to paper, more like keyboard to screen. I have written five chapters and my friends loved it, but they are after all my friends.

I stopped writing for almost a year, but the story just keeps going in my head. It happens when I lay down for the night. There is now enough stuff packed into my noggin for at least a trilogy.

I know I have to write it, but I have so many questions. I guess I don't feel equal to the task. Perhaps I can find some answers here. Maybe I can even offer some encouragement to others who are struggling with their own creative endeavors.

I just have to get this story out of my head!


Myth Weaver
No one feels equal to the task at the start. I am currently writing my fifth novel, and even I dont feel equal to the task. But...I get better with each effort and I read a lot that is not as good. Sadly, we are our own worst judges of our ability. You cant let that stop you. You gotto do it till you make it--maybe even fake it till you make it.

I'd like to give attribution to the right person, but I forget... but I heard one person say, if the story I am writing does not make me want to get up in the middle of the night and keep going, then I know its not worth it. My current story makes me get up in the middle of the night, so I hope that is a good sign for a winner.
Wow! Thanks for this. I feel a lot less crazy now. Little secret, I'm 64 years old and I'm surprised that I suddenly want to be a writer. I know age shouldn't be a stumbling block. Still I just didn't see it coming.

Thank you for the encouragement. It really helps.


Myth Weaver
Wow! Thanks for this. I feel a lot less crazy now. Little secret, I'm 64 years old and I'm surprised that I suddenly want to be a writer. I know age shouldn't be a stumbling block. Still I just didn't see it coming.

Thank you for the encouragement. It really helps.

If memory serves, SkipNox is a little older than you - and I believe published his first fantasy novel at about your age. (AltEarth series)
Good to know I haven't missed the boat. I guess it's time for me to get past chapter five and forge ahead. If I wait too long the trilogy in my noggin may multiply out of control.
I really never think about when successful authors started writing. I really should know better. Thanks for the example, age is definitely no excuse.
No one feels equal to the task at the start. I am currently writing my fifth novel, and even I dont feel equal to the task. But...I get better with each effort and I read a lot that is not as good. Sadly, we are our own worst judges of our ability. You cant let that stop you. You gotto do it till you make it--maybe even fake it till you make it.

I'd like to give attribution to the right person, but I forget... but I heard one person say, if the story I am writing does not make me want to get up in the middle of the night and keep going, then I know its not worth it. My current story makes me get up in the middle of the night, so I hope that is a good sign for a winner.

I just thought of something. And you're so right about reading "a lot that is not as good". I recently bought a book online, Amazon Kindle, actually. The cover looked awesome, the synopsis was intriguing but I was appalled by the writing. There was a good plot, a decent storyline, but it fell flat because the author failed to flesh out the characters and had done almost no world building. The whole story was floating in limbo, it didn't feel anchored. I couldn't connect to it as completely as I would have liked.

This guy has cranked out 3 more novels in the series. It's like he's got a cookie cutter formula for writing a book, but he isn't really putting his heart into it. Me, I'm the opposite, I want to write characters that the reader can really know and understand. They should also be able to envision the settings. A good story should be immersive. Right?


Myth Weaver
I just thought of something. And you're so right about reading "a lot that is not as good". I recently bought a book online, Amazon Kindle, actually. The cover looked awesome, the synopsis was intriguing but I was appalled by the writing. There was a good plot, a decent storyline, but it fell flat because the author failed to flesh out the characters and had done almost no world building. The whole story was floating in limbo, it didn't feel anchored. I couldn't connect to it as completely as I would have liked.

This guy has cranked out 3 more novels in the series. It's like he's got a cookie cutter formula for writing a book, but he isn't really putting his heart into it. Me, I'm the opposite, I want to write characters that the reader can really know and understand. They should also be able to envision the settings. A good story should be immersive. Right?

ill do better next time….
Welcome to the Scribes, WWU!

I'm not at all surprised you are taking up the charge in your sixties. The upside tends to be a much broader and balanced life experience to pull from for crafting your characters/settings/world.

The downside is, as with many things in life, a tendency to feel, if not outright believe, you are too old or have missed your calling. Perhaps that you lack the years of practice younger writers may have had, etc etc.

Cast your belief in the upside. Kick the downside to the dirty curb. :)

Stories aren't the property of youth. They are universal. Any story worth creating in the mind is worth writing down. There will be oodles to learn along the way but age gives us the advantage of the humility, a sense of immediacy, and a willingness/desire which won't have to battle youthful indulgences and the idle time wasted along the way.

The bonus is you seem to have more than enough story there to see you through any moments of doubt, so. . . just write!
And before I even read your reply I dove back in and now instead of five chapters, there are 5 and 1/2 chapters.

It seems that I should have gone looking for a community long ago. I don't know any writers, I have had no one to talk to about this craft. At least not anyone with a writer's perspective. Just talking about it has renewed my resolve and I am finding that the wisdom shared here is buoying me up.

One of the other reasons I stopped writing is because I started going online and exploring how to articles. I found it overwhelming and the different perspectives left me conflicted about the right way to do things. It resulted in me revising my work multiple times, a frustrating endeavor.

Write. That's what I'm going to do. I'll just write and deal with all the technicalities at the end. The priority for now, I think, should be to just get the story out of my head and onto my screen.
ill do better next time….
I know the writer is young. And I applaud his efforts. I did write to him and told him that his plot and storyline were indeed inspired. I also encouraged him to flesh out his characters and build his world to give his stories more depth and richness. I think he may have bought into one of those online offerings. The ones where they promise, that after you cross their palms with silver, they will give you the one and only template you will ever need in order to write any and all successful fantasy books.

Hence my reference to the cookie cutter. Snake oil salesmen abound. I hope he takes my words to heart and realizes I only wanted to spur him on to fulfill his obvious potential.