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Hi Everybody!

Hi, My name is Elad (yeah, I know it's a little hard to pronounce ) and I live in Israel.
I'm 16 years old, and meanwhile I'm attending highschool.

So anyway, books have been around me all my life and they are a main and large part of my childhood. I really love reading books, and sometimes I don't even hear what everyone around me say because the book is simply too interesting.
Naturally, my goal in life became clear to me and I finally know what to say when someone asks me what I want to do when I grow up. My answer, without a doubt, is to be an author.
And so, I started creating ideas in my head and I finally have something I like and want to write badly, but minding the fact that I never wrote and don't have have the experience, I am afraid of even starting the book.
Actually, I do have a lot of experience with forum Role-Playing so I know how to write a detailed scene and the rules of writing, but I'm kinda afraid to start because I fear it will come out a bit sloppy and under-developed.

And so I decided to search for fellow writers in order to polish my skills and recieve some feedback and encouragement :)

Some authors that I like their work:
Rick Riordan
Neil Gaiman
Suzanne Collins
Darren O’Shaughnessy (Pen name is Darren Shan)
Cassandra Clare
David Gemmell
Orson Scott Card
and many, many others...

I hope we will get along together and that we will help each other a lot. I'm glad to meet you all :)


I fear it will come out a bit sloppy and under-developed.

You know what? It probably will. That's why you practice by writing more, and it's also why you edit and revise. If writers were judged on their first drafts at the beginning of their careers, hardly anyone would be found worthy. The only way you'll gain experience is to dive in.

Since you want feedback and encouragement, you've come to the right place. Many of us are in the same boat as you, so we've got your back. :)

Welcome to the forum!
Well, Ouroboros put it best I think, drop all fears and take that leap of faith. Anyhoo, welcome to the Scribes we've indeed got lots of people in the same boat, and there's plenty of us youngsters too, as well as some battle-hardened veterans, so settle right in.


Welcome to the Scribes.

We all have a fear of failing at some point in our lives. The trick is to keep writing no matter what. Realize you may suck the first few times, but eventually you will be able to tell a story that makes men weep and women swoon.

Let us know how we can help!