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Hi Everyone


My name is Erica, and I've had characters, worlds and stories (mostly fantasy) in my head ever since I was a kid, but I was always too much of a perfectionist to get very far with writing them. Lately, I just decided to go ahead and start writing something. The result is a mare's nest of a novel that I am now extensively revising. But it's been a lot of fun and a real learning experience doing it. I hope I can learn even more from connecting with other writers who love fantasy.

I've read a lot of fantasy and Sci fi. Some of my favorite authors have been:

J.R.R. Tolkien
Ursula K. Le Guin
Anne McCaffrey
C.J. Cherryh
Robin Hobbs
Mercedes Lackey
David Brin
Connie Willis

And a ton of others
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Welcome to Mythic Scribes! Good to learn you finally hammered out that first draft, as imperfect as it was and you're not in revision mode. Good luck and hang in there!



Welcome, Erica.

Perfectionisim sucks don't it? Seems like I will never get it right. But thats just me. Being a perfectionist can be a blessing as well as a curse, I suppose. Hopefully you won't let it stop you from sharing some of your work here.

Looking forward to your contributions!