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How can I decide, which is the right idea?

I can’t decide, which idea I’m writing now. I got so many ideas! Some authors websites say, “Write what you want, love, and know!”. But I love many things. And some of my ideas originate from this fangirl love. I told you about that vampire series. Although I wanna write it, I have no ideas. (Shall I put it away?) And in the last hour, I had the idea to write a YA book about the Greek mythology because I love the Percy Jackson series. Gosh! I need help!


Article Team
At some point, you're going to have to get over your fear of writing one of these ideas to fruition and seeing where it goes. Hint: it rarely goes where you think it does. Maybe that's what's stopping you?

Miles Lacey

I can’t decide, which idea I’m writing now. I got so many ideas! Some authors websites say, “Write what you want, love, and know!”. But I love many things. And some of my ideas originate from this fangirl love. I told you about that vampire series. Although I wanna write it, I have no ideas. (Shall I put it away?) And in the last hour, I had the idea to write a YA book about the Greek mythology because I love the Percy Jackson series. Gosh! I need help!

Thanatos is the Greek god of death who would accompany the dead and dying souls to the underworld but what if you add a twist so that the dead can come back in the form of vampires? You could tell the story of a young adult who died in some sort of (Greek) tragic way. Hades takes pity on the young adult and allows him/her to return to the surface world but the price is s/he must return as a vampire.

I reckon that if you can't decide what story idea to run with try throwing the ideas together and see what happens.
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Article Team
When I started out, I had pretty much the same problem. I had loads of ideas, and I couldn't make up my mind about which ones to start with. I also wasn't very confident in my writing skills, and I was worried my story would turn out badly and my great idea would go to waste.

What I ended up doing was write a practice novel. I figured if I'd just take some random stupid idea and write a story about it, it wouldn't matter so much. It wasn't an "important" idea - just something for me to do while I developed my other ideas and settled on which one to really work on once I was ready.
It also didn't matter if the story didn't turn out very well, as it was only a practice story anyway, and it wasn't important if the ideas wasn't very original. In fact, the entire point of the whole thing was that the idea should be as simple as possible, so as to not complicate the story too much.

So, what idea was it?
Very simple, three words: boy meets girl.
That's it. I took this very simple idea and added little details, like who's the boy, and who's the girl, and where do they meet, and then I added more and more details on top of that, until I had a pretty detailed outline to start working with.

Did it work?
It worked really well, but that's a story for another day.


Article Team
I agree with Chessie and Svrt. You have to get over your fear of actually writing and messing up. It WILL happen. Your first few drafts (or stories) WILL be terrible. Choose one of your ideas an use it as practice. Write a practice story or novel using that idea. If you know it is a practice novel it takes the pressure off of it having to be perfect (or even 'good'.)