I was inspired to post this question after a piece of mine was critiqued last night in comparison to GOT...which I thought was ridiculous. My writing could never compare to someone as experienced as George RR Martin! Which got me to thinking: as an aspiring published author, I would say I'm still sensitive to the comments of others when it comes to my work. I pour my heart and soul into my stories, yet always remembering to put the reader's needs first (while honoring the characters, etc). I love to write and it pleases me greatly to have others read my stuff.
But, I'm such a baby when it comes to criticism. I want this to change. I'm starting a new writing group in a few weeks and although I appreciate the suggestions of others (which have been helpful even at their most brutal moments), I still want thick skin because I know that its even tougher out there in the big bad world of publishing.
How do you folks do it? What's your trick to taking the crits of others...not so much to heart?
But, I'm such a baby when it comes to criticism. I want this to change. I'm starting a new writing group in a few weeks and although I appreciate the suggestions of others (which have been helpful even at their most brutal moments), I still want thick skin because I know that its even tougher out there in the big bad world of publishing.
How do you folks do it? What's your trick to taking the crits of others...not so much to heart?