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How long does it take to write a short story?

Today while browsing the internet I came across an old article by Jason Sanford written in 09 where he says that it takes him about 20 hours for a 5k word short story.

Over the last 4 days I have put probably 10 hours into writing just the first draft of a short story and then skimming through it just once for some spelling and grammatical error edits. I am looking at at least one more pass through where I personally check for holes in the story line, things that don't make sense, etc before I dare send it to some of my beta readers for their thoughts.

I expected to bang out this short story in a couple of hours while I was wasting time at work. The next thing I know it feels like I am working two jobs because I just can't stop. Does anyone else have this problem it seems to me like I am just extra slow how long do others take to write a short story around the 5k area?

If anyone wants pm me and I can provide the web address for the original article I read.


One thing about writing you need to remember: a lot of the work happens before words are ever put onto the page. Finding ideas, putting them together into something useful, planning the plot and the character details... A lot of writers are thinking about those things most of the time, so when they finally sit down to write, it looks like it happens quickly and effortlessly.

I'm not a short story writer, so I have no estimates on how long I would take to write a 5,000-word story. When either of us is working on our novels, my twin and I typically turn out 2 thousand words a day.


Article Team
In writing, there isn't really a set rule for time. Just like novels, it takes as long as it takes. I've pounded out first drafts of short stories in an hour and took another 3-4 hours to polish. On the other side of that, there have been short stories that have I've taken 6 hrs to pound out a first draft, and then 20+ hrs of rewrites, redrafts to get it even remotely to where I want it.

Just look at some professional writers. Guys like Kevin J. Anderson and David Weber drop novels out like sneezes. Then there's guys like George RR Martin, who takes forever.

So how much time it takes to finish a story is dependant on you as a writer.


Felis amatus
Shortest time I've spent on a story of that length that was actually accepted by a publisher was three and a half to four hours. It is unlikely I would spend more than ten on one of that length, but I take as long as necessary.