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P.N. Swick

New Member
Howdy, I'm a teenaged author writing under the pen-name P.N. Swick. I've wanted to be an author since I was little, and I always wrote stories to keep my attention (mostly comic books in elementary school). I've published a few things in my school's literary magazine, but other than that I haven't got myself out there. I'm planning on publsihing role-playing adventures within the next couple month's on RPGNow.com. I figured just figured I'd say hi. :)

San Cidolfus

Well, hello back, young Swicky. Welcome to the Scribes, an internet refuge for authors and wanderers. May you find what you seek here.
Hey hey and welcome, I know what its like to be a teenage author. I also know what its like to write comic books, I've still got an awful Star Wars comic I tried. I think I only got to page 4 because it took so long to both write and illustrate.