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... I come in peace


Hey there..
New here to Mythic Scribes..
Well not exactly "new".
I've been here a long time but I didn't make an account.
But now I did.
So, here it is.
Just thought I'd tell you guys...

I'm going to try posting every day..
Probably going to be a lot of questions..
I'm kinda new to this..

Just want to say, you guys are AWESOME!

Stay Awesome.

Or else I'll have no one to turn to when I need some book help.

And that'll be bad.


Article Team
In case you're suffering from a shortage of chairs, have this one:


Welcome, to Mythic Scribes. Feel free to ask whenever there's something you're wondering about. Just make sure to take whatever answer you get with a pinch of salt - there are plenty of us newbies here still trying to figure out what this "writing" thing really is all about.
Or, well, it's true for me at least. Enjoy the ride.