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I like long stories...

I promised myself that I would at least try to make my introduction short, because no one wants to hear as much about me as I like to think they do, but I unfortunately do not possess the ability to be concise. :redface:

You guys can call me Turtle. I'm a college sophomore from Texas, and I've loved writing for as long as I can remember. When I was about 5, it finally dawned on me that people actually wrote all of those books that I loved to read, and I decided I wanted to write them too. I became particularly interested in fantasy when I started reading Harry Potter (my favorite book series ever. If you ever want to fangirl squee with me about the multiple ways Harry Potter has changed your life, I'll be your new best friend.) and it just kind of became my thing.

I was never able to finish a novel until last November when, after several years of having a plot but no time, I finally found the room in my schedule to try out NaNoWriMo. Ironic that it was my freshman year of college. :confused: Anywho, the overbearing presence of that looming deadline managed to give me the push I needed to finally wrap something up. Now I'm knee-deep in the editing process for the first time in my life, and seeking the sanity (or, well, relative sanity) that the company of other writers can offer during this frustrating time.

For some random details... I write mostly contemporary/urban fantasy now, but I'll mix it up on occasion. My favorite animal is a turtle (as if you hadn't guessed that already). Um... my other interests include genetics (my major) and nail art (a hobby I'm really quite horrible at, but that I do for fun)... Oh, and I'm a huge Disney fan. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie of all time. :D

So, enough about me. I look forward to meeting everyone and talking about writing with people who actually understand! If you actually read this whole post, I do believe I'll find a way to ship you a cookie for your efforts. :)


Myth Weaver
*reads the whole post* ^^ I love BatB too, though it's not quite my favorite Disney movie. That honor goes to Tangled.

Well, welcome here, Turtle! Congrats on completing your NaNo. I hope you like it here.


Ah! Another NaNo competitor.

That reminds me, I need to complete the rewriting of my '11 effort :p

Welcome to Mythics Scribes, Turtle!