Wings of Wolf
New Member
It is about A kingdom called Otoxeio (Pronounced Oh-tox-ey-oh) full of winged wolves. There are three groups of wolves, the Haikio (Hi-ky-oh), the Terrats, and the Caterlines (Kater-lines). Most believe the three groups make life, and if one group is completely destroyed, there would be a world apocalypse. Right before the first book, the Shadow, an evil darkness, takes over the kingdom, and the wolves have to retreat. One prophecy states that a very special pup would take on the darkness and restore the kingdom.
Meanwhile, a little boy is playing outside. He falls through some tall grass and finds a pup, a baby winged wolf. He touches it and there is a flash of light. I don't want to give any more spoilers
Anyways, I still can't think of a name for the book. Any suggestions?
Meanwhile, a little boy is playing outside. He falls through some tall grass and finds a pup, a baby winged wolf. He touches it and there is a flash of light. I don't want to give any more spoilers
Anyways, I still can't think of a name for the book. Any suggestions?