Lovecraftian Deities...
Azathoth, the blind idiot God that created the universe by accident, and could destroy it on a whim, should he ever awaken from enchanted slumber. He is kept in that state of slumber by mad alien musicians banging drums and playing bizarre flutes.
Nyarlathotep, the Herald of Azathoth, he of the thousand shapes, the Black Pharoh. He occasionally interacts with mortals.
Yog-Sothoth, the Gatekeeper - and the Gate itself, the entity between worlds, master of time.
Ithiqua, the Wendigo, is the essence of the frozen wind. Known to occasionally abduct mortals and deposit them on faraway worlds.
Shub-Niggurath, the Black Mother, is a corrupted vegetation/fertility deity who spawns abominations.
Hastur, the King in Yellow, whose machinations have driven the populaces of entire worlds mad. Hastur is associated with the weird city of Carcosa, whose towers appear behind the moon. Patron of artists and shepherds. (Technically the creation of Ambrose Bierce but is counted as part of the pantheon anyhow.)
Dagon, the fishtailed God of the ocean, is worshipped by the amphibious 'Deep Ones,' a sort of frog-people.
Yig, the deity of serpents.
To name but some...
Noteworthy Lovecraftian races include Ghouls, Deep Ones, 'Men of Leng' (a sort of minotaur/satyr-like people, the utterly alien Mi-Go, and assorted others.
Azathoth, the blind idiot God that created the universe by accident, and could destroy it on a whim, should he ever awaken from enchanted slumber. He is kept in that state of slumber by mad alien musicians banging drums and playing bizarre flutes.
Nyarlathotep, the Herald of Azathoth, he of the thousand shapes, the Black Pharoh. He occasionally interacts with mortals.
Yog-Sothoth, the Gatekeeper - and the Gate itself, the entity between worlds, master of time.
Ithiqua, the Wendigo, is the essence of the frozen wind. Known to occasionally abduct mortals and deposit them on faraway worlds.
Shub-Niggurath, the Black Mother, is a corrupted vegetation/fertility deity who spawns abominations.
Hastur, the King in Yellow, whose machinations have driven the populaces of entire worlds mad. Hastur is associated with the weird city of Carcosa, whose towers appear behind the moon. Patron of artists and shepherds. (Technically the creation of Ambrose Bierce but is counted as part of the pantheon anyhow.)
Dagon, the fishtailed God of the ocean, is worshipped by the amphibious 'Deep Ones,' a sort of frog-people.
Yig, the deity of serpents.
To name but some...
Noteworthy Lovecraftian races include Ghouls, Deep Ones, 'Men of Leng' (a sort of minotaur/satyr-like people, the utterly alien Mi-Go, and assorted others.