Meg the Healer
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forum. I'm excited about getting my writing out there. I've always been rather nervous about showing my work to anyone, but I know I need other people's input - if I'm ever going to get my novels finished. I appreciate all the constructive criticism you can offer.
Since I've been reading other people's intros - I realized, I didn't really introduce myself. (Apparently I'm a little slow on the uptake here....but better late than never).
So, my name is Megan and I'm twenty-nine years old. I have held two jobs since I was 16 and at one point I held as many as 5 jobs at the same time. (I have always counted school as a job - because it was something I had to do). I've had an interesting variety of jobs, I worked for Plant Nursery for a few years when I was younger, though my recent stints have been a Bridal Consultant (that wasn't pretty), a receptionist, a telecommunications service coordinator, an office manager, a customer service rep (for the same Bridal store, once we determined I was too brutally honest), and interned at publishing company when I was in college and was in charge of setting up book signings.
Currently I work for a Telecommunications company where I am VP of Admin and I work Part-Time as a Licensed Massage Therapist (hence my call tag - that and Meg the Healer is part of the Celtic Goddess Pantheon who was a famous healer of the Highlands who healed both Humans and Faeries.)
I am in love with travelling and every 4-5 years I take a trip overseas. I went to the British Isles in High School, Greece and Turkey in College, and two years ago I went to Ireland and I desperately want to go back! It was absolutely beautiful.
I've been writing the same novel (I think) for about 10 years and it keeps evolving as I do. I think I've finally "settled" on an idea and story lay-out, now it's just overcoming the procrastination of writing it. I look forward to all feedback and I try to offer feedback as well. I can be brutally honest at times but unless you're asking for my absolute honest opinion - I try to stay about from the brutality and just try to give tips on what needs to improve or be clarified, but I always find something positive about any work. I realize we don't all write the same thing, so what you may write I may not be interested in reading but that doesn't mean I won't give my opinion if asked and I expect that's true for each of you.
So that's me in a very large nut-shell.
Since I've been reading other people's intros - I realized, I didn't really introduce myself. (Apparently I'm a little slow on the uptake here....but better late than never).
So, my name is Megan and I'm twenty-nine years old. I have held two jobs since I was 16 and at one point I held as many as 5 jobs at the same time. (I have always counted school as a job - because it was something I had to do). I've had an interesting variety of jobs, I worked for Plant Nursery for a few years when I was younger, though my recent stints have been a Bridal Consultant (that wasn't pretty), a receptionist, a telecommunications service coordinator, an office manager, a customer service rep (for the same Bridal store, once we determined I was too brutally honest), and interned at publishing company when I was in college and was in charge of setting up book signings.
Currently I work for a Telecommunications company where I am VP of Admin and I work Part-Time as a Licensed Massage Therapist (hence my call tag - that and Meg the Healer is part of the Celtic Goddess Pantheon who was a famous healer of the Highlands who healed both Humans and Faeries.)
I am in love with travelling and every 4-5 years I take a trip overseas. I went to the British Isles in High School, Greece and Turkey in College, and two years ago I went to Ireland and I desperately want to go back! It was absolutely beautiful.
I've been writing the same novel (I think) for about 10 years and it keeps evolving as I do. I think I've finally "settled" on an idea and story lay-out, now it's just overcoming the procrastination of writing it. I look forward to all feedback and I try to offer feedback as well. I can be brutally honest at times but unless you're asking for my absolute honest opinion - I try to stay about from the brutality and just try to give tips on what needs to improve or be clarified, but I always find something positive about any work. I realize we don't all write the same thing, so what you may write I may not be interested in reading but that doesn't mean I won't give my opinion if asked and I expect that's true for each of you.
So that's me in a very large nut-shell.
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