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NaNoWriMo 2022

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
This thread is for discussing all things NaNo.

Get your pencils and sharpen your tablets. Let the insanity reign!


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Regular NaNo has never worked for me, but I still like the idea of it. Instead of providing daily word-count updates, I'm going to try and get a novella of indeterminate length written this month. I'll update you all on my personal goal at the end of the month.


Hi all! I had a very productive NaNo in 2021. This year has been slower, but as Ban said, it's less of a regular NaNo and more about working on short pieces (making NaNo work for me, as I said in this blog post). Good luck all if you are almost at the finish line. 😅
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Myth Weaver
National novel write month. Or something like that. The goal is a write 50k words in the month of november.


Myth Weaver
Its not easy to do. Youd need roughly 1700 words a day, which is more them twice my current pace. I dont think i will ever complete it. But the goal is a finished novel. I dont really need a write month for that.
Maybe it would be a good writing exercise prompting myself to write a certain amount of words everyday…not sure it would equate to a finished novel at the end of it though


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
As always, I changed my mind fairly quickly. I haven't worked on any prose novella, but I've made good progress on a poetic project I began.
Maybe it would be a good writing exercise prompting myself to write a certain amount of words everyday…not sure it would equate to a finished novel at the end of it though
It's a good excercise to try. I've done NaNo twice. I failed both times (getting to 30k words each time). But it's not just about getting to 50k words. It's about trying to write a novel. You learn that writing each day (or on a lot of days) gives you a lot of progress in a month, and you learn what it takes to get a novel written and how your process does or doesn't work.

It's not for everyone. But it's worth trying for everyone I think. You'll see if tracking your progress helps you (it does for me), or if outside pressure, even if it's imaginary, helps you or not. You'll develop some habits, and they help you finish a novel. Not in a month, but in a few months.