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NaNoWriMo 2024 - Thoughts?


Myth Weaver
Yeah, with FB groups your milage may vary. I curate where we participate with an iron fist. And so far, we've been making great friends, learning more about the writing community, and finding out how well word-of-mouth really works.

I deal with scammers with an iron fist. I don't play.
Yes, I have made a few FB friends. I dispense basic advice to some of the 'write every day' and 'Goodreads is your best shot at getting reviews' variety. I also agreed to act as a English language Beta Reader for another because his premise intrigued me (which takes some doing these days). Last year I went through my Kindle and posted about 80 very basic reviews to various FB groups, most which had few if any reviews.

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
I have joined so many fb groups we might already share a few
Oh, I bet we do. I'm not exactly avante garde about where I hang my keyboard. Plus, I'm on an unending quest to spread the Scribes population across the internet in order to a) make sure we don't lose each other in case of calamity, and 2) make world domina- I mean, uh, our gentle and magnanimous influence on the Fantasy genre - easier.
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I am curious what the appeal is though. Is it just that it helps motivate and track progress?
I've participated twice (and got to 30k words both times). And for me, I learned a lot about writing, my writing process, and how and why of writing. I don't think I would have written 5 novels if I hadn't done NaNo (especially the first time I participated).

Of course you can learn all that in other ways as well. It's by no means the only way to learn about your writing process for instance. However, I improve the most when I push myself and give myself some goal to strive for. For me that's the value of NaNo.
I've participated for a very long time. And I love it.
I thought NaNo always actively tries to kill you...