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- #81
It's about~ 45k in total right now. (Started at around 32k I think?) I lost track of my word count somewhere and never got it back. I also at this point am just trying to keep it shorter than Beneath a Stone Sky. And to top it off, I rabbit holed big time on one chapter and am now trying to fix it before I can move on. We've got a new character on screen and he's a scene stealer, so keeping him on a short leash. But, even with the usual November chain disasters, I'm feeling more confident in this story and the two coming after it. Very excited!Abd upon seeing that pic - did A E Lowan really finish her rough draft? And is if so, is it the literary equivalent of Swiss cheese?
And revealing if it's windy!Tried to kilt your way out yet? A wardrobe change can be very inspiring.
When I'm flagging while drafting it's usually because I'm both tired and running low on juice for the creative well. So, I will turn to relaxing and restorative techniques like meditation or a hot bath (it's wild how well this works) and also take the time to refill the well in whatever way works best for me that day. Flagging is often one of the first signs for me that I need to take a break. And it works. I find that when I'm tired I'll rush things and I'll have another Faerie Rising where I hit the battle at the black tower tired and drained, and it resulted in a rushed ending. Not my best work.Finished chapter twenty-three, something like 2200 words, and started on chapter twenty-four, but...I am really, really flagging. What is especially annoying about this is that I am within 4000-5000 words of the end - chapter twenty-four is the climax, chapter twenty-five settles the aftermath, and the epilogue is, well, a hint of things to come in other tales.
I find myself tempted to do a sort of truncated version of chapter twenty-four, just to get it done, but...