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NaNoWriMo 2023

I didn’t quite make the word count, I’m just going to outright blame my toddler for that… but I am getting there and I have a much better vision for my work which was what I essentially wanted to achieve. It didn’t feel stressful though, I’ve had far more stressful times than nano 😆


Myth Weaver
Thanks to the vision thing - bifocal prescription needs updated; I think - I am reduced to plodding along in little chunks of 200-400 words, about a third of the normal output. But, since my sleep routine is messed up, well, there are multiple such sessions a day.

That said, been mostly going back and updating older chapters. Thought I had four chapters left plus the epilogue, decided to tack a fifth chapter in to show how intense the fighting was getting towards the end.

And the more I think about it, the more I think 'Seed' and 'Defender' will be merged into 'Labyrinth War.' with 'Journal' offered as a prequel.

Time to see who else survived..

Abd upon seeing that pic - did A E Lowan really finish her rough draft? And is if so, is it the literary equivalent of Swiss cheese?

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Abd upon seeing that pic - did A E Lowan really finish her rough draft? And is if so, is it the literary equivalent of Swiss cheese?
It's about~ 45k in total right now. (Started at around 32k I think?) I lost track of my word count somewhere and never got it back. I also at this point am just trying to keep it shorter than Beneath a Stone Sky. 😅 And to top it off, I rabbit holed big time on one chapter and am now trying to fix it before I can move on. We've got a new character on screen and he's a scene stealer, so keeping him on a short leash. But, even with the usual November chain disasters, I'm feeling more confident in this story and the two coming after it. Very excited! 😁


Myth Weaver
Not all that thrilled with it, but chapter twenty-two is done at about 1160 words.

A short but necessary 'decision' type chapter without much else going on.

Next, back to Chimp on the battlefield...


Myth Weaver
Finished chapter twenty-three, something like 2200 words, and started on chapter twenty-four, but...I am really, really flagging. What is especially annoying about this is that I am within 4000-5000 words of the end - chapter twenty-four is the climax, chapter twenty-five settles the aftermath, and the epilogue is, well, a hint of things to come in other tales.

I find myself tempted to do a sort of truncated version of chapter twenty-four, just to get it done, but...

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Finished chapter twenty-three, something like 2200 words, and started on chapter twenty-four, but...I am really, really flagging. What is especially annoying about this is that I am within 4000-5000 words of the end - chapter twenty-four is the climax, chapter twenty-five settles the aftermath, and the epilogue is, well, a hint of things to come in other tales.

I find myself tempted to do a sort of truncated version of chapter twenty-four, just to get it done, but...
When I'm flagging while drafting it's usually because I'm both tired and running low on juice for the creative well. So, I will turn to relaxing and restorative techniques like meditation or a hot bath (it's wild how well this works) and also take the time to refill the well in whatever way works best for me that day. Flagging is often one of the first signs for me that I need to take a break. And it works. I find that when I'm tired I'll rush things and I'll have another Faerie Rising where I hit the battle at the black tower tired and drained, and it resulted in a rushed ending. Not my best work.


Myth Weaver
Spent weeks going back over earlier chapters to set the scene for the big climax, which was supposed to be chapter 24. Finally started on chapter 24, made it a third of the way in, then realized the chapter needed to be split, because, well, call it...'orientation.' So, chapters 23 and 24 changed places. Went back through the manuscript again, then started on part 2 of the climax (chapter 25.) Started into it again, only to have a glaring issue pop out (some of the characters, being both observant and highly intelligent, should have at least suspected certain things about the whole situation.) So, back through the manuscript again, adding more tweaks and patches. Then I just sat down and wrote the dang thing.

That leaves chapter 26 (the wrap-up) and the epilogue. Maybe I can finish this beast by years end, which was the original goal...


Myth Weaver
Chapter 26 is a wrap. That just leaves the epilogue, which I might tackle tonight. Maybe I can finish this part of the project before the New Year.