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NaNoWriMo 2023 Wordcounts


Myth Weaver
3936 of the most painful words ever. The more I sit and type, the tighter the wrist gets. Warrior writing! That was the midnight cut-off on the Scrivener word count, still actually writing, and at 4300+ including post-midnight. I want this POV done and ready for the editor as promised, so! I intend to be awake until finished with Glimdrem's story in this novel.

I'm trying to decide if I have enough energy to get started on the next chapter. So far, the answer is 'meh,' but maybe I'll get bored and tap out a few hundred words...


Myth Weaver
I slept late, felt like shit, so I've more energy than normal... although I have a bad habit of waking up from 11pm to 2 or 3 in the morning anyhow. I can be dead tired all day and if I make it to 11 or so... wham! Energy... which really screws the normal part of my life and days I wake up at 6, heh heh.


Myth Weaver
Overcame the 'meh's' enough to crank out almost 800 words. A fair start on chapter 17.

I think.... I have two more Carina chapters, one Git-Vik chapter, and one or two Curtis chapters to wrap up the 'southern expedition.' Probably four or five more to take care of events in the labyrinth proper, though I'm not entirely sure which POV's to go with on a couple of those.


Myth Weaver
Had an unexpected visitor throw a wrench into today's writing plans. By the time he left...well, it was a good thing I overcame the 'meh's' before heading to bed. Anyhow, Chapter seventeen is done, at almost exactly 1700 words, bringing the official NaNo tally up to 45260.

Chapter eighteen is where things start getting critical with the 'southern expedition.' To write that correctly, I'm going to have to go back and tack a few hundred words into earlier chapters. Then things get critical and complicated. (Waking up a city of hibernating aliens, sealing a portal to a demon world, and figuring out how to incorporate a six-inch tall demonic sprite into the cast...


Myth Weaver
Added a couple hundred words to patch potential plot holes in the earlier chapters, then did about five hundred or so words for Chapter eighteen, which went fairly smooth. Now, though, I am at a 'think as a I write' stage, as certain events have to take place in sequence.


Myth Weaver
4 days left. And who decided to have a write month in November when guests are sure to visit? They should pick March. 31 days, no holidays the make guests come over.


Myth Weaver
4 days left. And who decided to have a write month in November when guests are sure to visit? They should pick March. 31 days, no holidays the make guests come over.
There is the April NaNo. I wrote the bulk of my last novella during that, and a couple of the 'Empire' books to boot.


Myth Weaver
Finished Chapter eighteen, which came to just over 2450 words. Tacked in the bits and pieces I'd added to earlier chapters and decided to call it 2650. That brings the NaNo official tally up to 47910 - though how close that is to the true tally is...problematic. Likely, the true word count is a couple hundred words higher, from all the tinkering to earlier chapters. Guess I'll find out when it is time for the grand end of NaNo tally - if there is still such a thing...

Next up, Carina rescues Curtis. Could be a short chapter. As the one after that has Curtis going after the evil twins...hmm...maybe just go with Curtis and include Carina later...gotta think about that...


Myth Weaver
Ugh. Gave it a whirl any way. Tried not to look at the screen as much as possible. Slow, slow going, But, chapter nineteen is done at 1900 words, bringing the grand tally up to 49810.

Tomorrow, chapter twenty - Curtis and the climax of the southern expedition.

I think I need new glasses...

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Ugh. Gave it a whirl any way. Tried not to look at the screen as much as possible. Slow, slow going, But, chapter nineteen is done at 1900 words, bringing the grand tally up to 49810.

Tomorrow, chapter twenty - Curtis and the climax of the southern expedition.

I think I need new glasses...
Less than 200 words to go! You've got this with days to spare. Nice!

I'm not. :p

I also wear glasses - or more to the point, contacts. I hate my glasses. Right now, I'm wearing what I can only describe as experimental lenses. I have a strong prescription for the right eye to see distance, and a weaker one for the left eye to see nearby. Then I also have reading glasses because I just turned 49 and that's how I roll... er, read. :D The experiment is actually working! It took some time for my eyes to sync up, but they did and now, unless they fall out of sync and I need to wait for them to catch up.

But yeah, if writing is giving you headaches, I think you're right about your glasses. Sounds like you need something adjusted, and maybe with blue light protection, too. My reading glasses are like that and it really makes a difference. I have many fewer migraines during the week, now, and I can work longer without strain.


Myth Weaver
I think I stare at the keyboard more than the screen, seeing as I'm a shit typist. It's when the letters get fuzzy as hell that it's time for jumping jacks and coffee... or bed.

2.2k yesterday, so even with some crappy days and getting other writing stuff done, just under 44k. 50k or the end of the novel, whichever comes first.

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
I think I stare at the keyboard more than the screen, seeing as I'm a shit typist. It's when the letters get fuzzy as hell that it's time for jumping jacks and coffee... or bed.

2.2k yesterday, so even with some crappy days and getting other writing stuff done, just under 44k. 50k or the end of the novel, whichever comes first.
I'm some sort of bizarre combination where I type at blinding speed, but I write extremely slowly. I tend to go through 4 or 5 versions in my head before it hits the page. I also type like a jackhammer. So, when I'm writing it looks a lot like me thinking for minutes at a time, fingertips on the keys, and then explosive, extremely loud, typing, followed by more silence and thinking. I rarely look at the keyboard anymore, but I also learned to type on a manual typewriter, back when we double spaced between sentences and a typo meant starting the bloody page over again. I don't miss that, and they can pry my ergonomic keyboard from my dead, cold, hands even as I rage against that last goodnight. ;)