Super Fantasy
Does anyone else read others novels to learn new writing styles to use when writing your own works?
One thing that I started doing about a year ago was to read [and re-read stories that I've like] with what I think of as 'writer's eyes.' I've also created a folder in my Scrivener's story bible project where I keep notes on things that caught my attention, good and bad. How authors handled plot points, character arcs, etc.Does anyone else read others novels to learn new writing styles to use when writing your own works?
I certainly read other novels to figure out what styles I like, but I don't think so much in terms of using those exact styles in my writing. For example, I would never try to write in "Harry Potter" style or "Mistborn" style. Rather I will cherrypick a little bit from different styles that I like (this one does action scenes really well, this one does descriptions really well, this one does character moments and dialogue really well, etc.) and analyze to figure out what I like and how to integrate similar concepts in my own works.Does anyone else read others novels to learn new writing styles to use when writing your own works?
Reading other novels is like raiding a treasure chest of styles and techniques. It’s the perfect way to see what works, what doesn’t, and what we can steal (and make our own, of course).Does anyone else read others novels to learn new writing styles to use when writing your own works?
All the time i think its best way to get insight from othersDoes anyone else read others novels to learn new writing styles to use when writing your own works?