I was browsing around, wanting to become more prolific as of late (that is, not just working on one thing or one genre), and I found this article that I think gives some pretty good tips.
12 Secrets To Being A Super-Prolific Short-Story Writer
I also have recently decided to do a 52 Week Short Story challenge, partially inspired by SpoonyBardon who posted something similar in the Word Warriors thread.
What does this mean?
This means I'm going to write a short story a week for a whole year. For me, this means anywhere from 100 word flash fiction to 10,000 word story. Also partially inspired by another blog post (who was inspired by Ray Bradbury), a writer said a good technique is to write a story then submit it to your number 1 most desirable market. Then wait for a response and once it's accepted/rejected then go to the number 2 market and keep working your way down. By the end of the year, you may have 52 rejected short stories, but at least you've improved your craft by constantly working on it. By staying in a cycle of writing/submitting/re-submitting/writing/submitting/re-submitting, you are keeping yourself moving at least.
Now some people may say, "What's the point if I'm not writing anything good? I have to make the best first impression on markets the first go around."
Well, to that I say, "Pfft."
Anyway, 52 stories may be too much, but I'm going to give it a go. I've done one so far and I'm on my first week.
I'll also be documenting this at my blog, where there is a link below in my signature.
Any thoughts on being prolific vs. non-prolific? If you don't write and submit much, what is your reason?
12 Secrets To Being A Super-Prolific Short-Story Writer
I also have recently decided to do a 52 Week Short Story challenge, partially inspired by SpoonyBardon who posted something similar in the Word Warriors thread.
What does this mean?
This means I'm going to write a short story a week for a whole year. For me, this means anywhere from 100 word flash fiction to 10,000 word story. Also partially inspired by another blog post (who was inspired by Ray Bradbury), a writer said a good technique is to write a story then submit it to your number 1 most desirable market. Then wait for a response and once it's accepted/rejected then go to the number 2 market and keep working your way down. By the end of the year, you may have 52 rejected short stories, but at least you've improved your craft by constantly working on it. By staying in a cycle of writing/submitting/re-submitting/writing/submitting/re-submitting, you are keeping yourself moving at least.
Now some people may say, "What's the point if I'm not writing anything good? I have to make the best first impression on markets the first go around."
Well, to that I say, "Pfft."
Anyway, 52 stories may be too much, but I'm going to give it a go. I've done one so far and I'm on my first week.
I'll also be documenting this at my blog, where there is a link below in my signature.
Any thoughts on being prolific vs. non-prolific? If you don't write and submit much, what is your reason?
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